
Set Client Status for MoneyGuide Linked Clients



Manually Edit Client Status

Edit Client Status for Many Clients at Once



You can use the Client Status, available on the Household's Membership tab under Clients, list to determine which clients from Tamarac Reporting are sent to MoneyGuide and select how they are designated. For example, you may have clients associated with a Household in Tamarac Reporting that are not relevant to a MoneyGuide plan—such as a CPA or an estate lawyer—and choose to exclude those.

Use this field to:

For more information about features of the MoneyGuide integration, see Introduction to the MoneyGuide Integration.

For more information on how Tamarac client data is used in MoneyGuide, see Data Fields Synced Between Tamarac and MoneyGuide.

Manually Edit Client Status

To designate how clients are sent to MoneyGuide:

  1. Under Accounts, click Households.

  2. Click the Household you want to modify.

  3. Under Membership, click Clients.

  4. For each client, under Client Status, choose the appropriate MoneyGuide designation from the list.

  5. Click Save.

Edit Client Status for Many Clients at Once

Because you already have many Households with clients added, you can edit Client Status using bulk reports and bulk uploads.

To set Client Status in bulk for existing clients:

  1. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Bulk Reports.

  2. Create or open an existing Client Information bulk report. For more information on bulk reports, see Understanding Bulk Data Exports.

  3. In the Available column, click Client Status and click to add Client Status to the bulk report.

  4. Run the bulk report.

  5. Edit the Client Status column to the desired state.

  6. Upload the edited file as a Client Information upload data set. For more information on uploads, see Understanding Bulk Data Uploads.