
Learn More About Sleeve-Level Reporting

Understanding Sleeve-Level Reporting

Sleeve-level reporting allows you to report on separate sleeves of a single account. Learn more about how sleeve-level reporting works and important points you'll need to know if you want to use this feature.

Workflow: Create Sleeve-Level Reporting Accounts

View this high-level workflow for creating sleeve accounts for sleeve-level reporting.

Enable Sleeve-Level Reporting in a Security Level Model

In order to create sleeve accounts, you'll need to enable the Security Level models that will serve as the basis for sleeves. This topic describes the process for enabling Security Level models for sleeve-level reporting.

Enable Sleeve-Level Reporting in an Account

In order to create sleeve accounts, you'll need to enable the accounts where you'll want to do sleeve-level reporting. This topic describes the process for enabling accounts to use this feature.

Allocate Holdings into Sleeve Accounts

After enabling accounts and Security Level models, the next step in the process in setting up sleeve-level reporting is to allocate holdings to the individual sleeve accounts.

Create Sleeve Accounts Through an Upload

While you don't have to use an upload data set to create sleeve accounts, you can use this process to generate sleeve accounts in bulk.

Manage Sleeve Accounts

This topic discusses sleeve account management, including making changes to sleeve accounts and Security Level models that serve as the basis of your sleeves.

Upload Historic Sleeve Allocations

This topic discusses how to upload data so you can see historic performance data in newly created sleeve accounts.