
Rebalancing System Settings: Min/Max Rebalance Settings



Available Settings

Sell Unassigned Securities

Invest Excess Cash

Use All Available Cash, Including Cash Allocated to the Model, Before Selling to Generate Cash



The Min/Max Rebalance settings allow you to customize how Tamarac Trading applies some trade rules when performing a Min/Max Rebalance.

Available Settings

The following settings are available under the Min/Max Rebalance Settings heading on the Rebalancing System Settings page.

Sell Unassigned Securities

Select one of the following to impact a Min/Max Rebalance in the following way: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will sell unassigned securities, even if all model securities are within their targets.
Cleared Tamarac Trading won't automatically sell unassigned securities, but might in some cases—for example, to raise cash.

Invest Excess Cash

Select one of the following to impact a Min/Max Rebalance in the following way: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will use excess cash, above any cash reserve requirements, to purchase additional underweight securities, even if those securities are within their model targets. The order of buys is based on your default buy order.
Cleared Tamarac Trading won't use excess cash to purchase additional securities once the securities in the model are within their model targets.

Use All Available Cash, Including Cash Allocated to the Model, Before Selling to Generate Cash

Select one of the following to impact a Min/Max Rebalance in the following way: 

Setting Option More Information
Selected Tamarac Trading will use excess cash—cash above any cash reserve requirements—as well as cash you've added to your models, to purchase securities during the rebalance before selling any currently held securities to generate cash for a buy.
Cleared Tamarac Trading will use excess cash and sell overweight securities to raise cash to purchase underweight securities during the rebalance while leaving model cash alone.