
Accrued Income

Quantity held and security details; accrual method, interest rate, income frequency, and last payment date.

Adjusted quantity is based on the security type. The adjusted quantity for each security type is:

Security Type Adjusted Quantity
Fixed Income, CD, T-Bill, Commercial Paper, & Cash Quantity / 100
Mortgage-backed (Quantity / 100) * Security factor
Option Quantity * Shares per contract
All other security types Quantity


Calculated using annual income per share: Annual income rate × Adjusted quantity


Principal: $20,000

Interest rate: 5% annual interest rate with a 30 by 360 accrual method = 0.014% daily

Period: 142 days

$20,000 × 0.014% × 142 days = $394.44 accrued income

Where You'll See Accrued Income Used

You'll see accrued income in the following locations:

Location Available Data Point

Holdings Report

Automatically displayed in the row for every holding that has accrued interest.

Holdings by Account Report

Automatically displayed in the row for every holding that has accrued interest.

Summary Report

Change in Accrued

Summary by Category Report

Change in Accrued
Account Holdings bulk report Accrued Income
Security Holdings bulk report  Accrued Income
Account Information bulk report Display Accrued Interest
Account Security Information bulk report  Display Accrued Interest