
Asset Location Preference

When setting asset location preferences, Asset Location Preference lets you create labels—for example, Taxable, Tax Exempt, Roth IRA, or any other labels that are meaningful to you—that you'll attach to your accounts. These labels are a way for you to identify the types of accounts and let you decide which accounts will get priority over others in a group. The higher the priority, the fewer recommended trades that particular account will receive.

Create and Arrange Labels

To create a new label, type the label you want to use and then click Add Label.

Once your labels are created, you can then drag and drop them into your preferred priority order.

Once you create and prioritize your asset location preference labels, you can then assign those labels in the Asset Location Preference setting in individual accounts. As you arrange labels, we suggest the following best practices:

To prioritize among Asset Location Preference, Tax Status, and Account Value for the accounts within a group, drag each section into your preferred order

Asset Location Preference is also an available column on the Trade Summary page that shows the Asset Location Preference setting you've established in the individual account or group.

For more detailed information on asset location, see Set Account Priorities and Set Model Priorities.