
Cumulative (Fee Schedules)

When setting up fee schedules, Cumulative lets you set up a tiered fee schedule that changes based on the tier level of the transaction. If your fee schedule is a single tier, changing Cumulative will have no effect on the fee charged.

Choose one of the following:

See a Tiered Fee Schedule in Action

Let's say you set up the following rate tiers:

Your transaction amount is $300,000.

If Cumulative is Yes, the fee is calculated in the following way: 

First Tier $100,000 X 0.5% rate = $500
Second Tier $100,000 X 0.25% rate = $250
Third Tier $100,000 X 0.15% rate = $150
Fee Charged $900

If Cumulative is No, the fee is calculated in the following way: 

$300,000 X 0.15% rate = $150
Fee Charged $900

Learn More

For more information on each of the tabs on the Fee Schedules page, see the following: 

For more information on the process of setting up fee schedules, see Introduction to Fee Schedules.