
Include Current Allocation in Chart and Include Target Allocation in Chart


How Include Current Allocation in Chart and Include Target Allocation in Chart Work

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Include Current Allocation in Chart and Include Target Allocation in Chart Work

Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF

Client Portal

The Asset Allocation section of the PDF Dashboard report allows you to display pie charts of current allocation, target allocation, or both. When you choose to display target allocation, you can customize how it's labeled and mark securities that are out of tolerance, if desired.

Whether you choose to display the current allocation, the target allocation, or both together for comparison depends on the goals of your PDF dashboard report. If you're focusing on reporting current holdings, current allocation may meet your needs. But if you want to focus on moving from an old allocation to a new target allocation, you might want to show target or target and current for comparison.

If you clear both these check boxes, no pie chart will be displayed.

For more information about the Asset Allocation report and its settings, see Asset Allocation Report.

In Dynamic Reports

This setting is only available in the Asset Allocation section of the PDF Dashboard report.

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

PDF-Specific Reports

Holdings Reports

Related Settings

For more information on creating and using target allocations, see Target Allocations.

The following setting is related: