
Only Sell to Account Goal %

In directed trades, use Show Funding Sources to specify securities to sell to raise additional cash if the account or group's cash isn't sufficient to complete the trade. Tamarac recommends sells from the funding sources in the order you designate. Only Sell to Account Goal % allows you to sell funding sources to the target model weight rather than all the way to $0.

For example, a buy includes MSFT and FB as funding sources. MSFT is 2% under its goal model weight and FB is 4% over. With Only Sell to Account Goal % selected for both securities, Tamarac does not recommend selling the MSFT stock, since it is already underweight. It moves on and recommends selling up to 4% of FB to raise the cash needed. 

This setting applies to all directed trades that involve adding funding sources. This includes the following directed trade types:

If funding sources won't raise enough cash to complete the trade, Tamarac uses the Allow Partial Trades configuration to either complete as much of the buy as possible or not execute the trade at all.

You can choose:

For more information on creating directed trades, see Directed Trades Process. For more information on directed trades strategies, see Strategies Using Directed Trades and Directed Trades Versus Rebalancing.

For more information on quantity and trade types and how they'll affect directed trades, see Trade Type and Quantity Definitions in Directed Trades.