
Payment Delay

To improve the accuracy of the accrued interest calculations, use the Payment Delay setting to enter the number of days each mortgage-backed security delays payments. This indicates how many days after the coupon date the payment is delayed. By default, all mortgage-backed securities have a payment delay of 0 days.

Impact of Payment Delay on Accrual and Performance

Adding payment delay impacts the periods for which Tamarac includes the accrued interest as part of the account's value.

Note that you'll only see a payment delay impact Tamarac's calculations if you turn on accrued interest in security valuations. For more information on accrued interest, see Display Accrued Interest.

Learn More

For more information on editing payment delay, see Add Payment Delay for Mortgage-Backed Securities.

For more information about maintaining securities, see Maintain Securities.

For more information about using securities, see Learn More About Assets, Liabilities, Securities, and Categories.