
Learn More About Intelligence Reports

Firm Revenue Report

Learn how to use the Firm Revenue report to track revenue for the firm, advisors, or third parties.

Set Up the Firm Revenue Report

Learn the steps for getting the Firm Revenue report configured initially.

Set Up Payout Distributions

Learn how to allocate an account's billed amount to advisors, the firm, or third parties, and find out why you would do this at the account level or at the user level.

Utilization Report

The Utilization report shows metrics for client and firm usage of client and Household features such as the client portal, document vault, and assets and liabilities.

Compliance ADV Report

The Compliance ADV report lets you choose a set of accounts and use various widgets to help you answer client relationship questions on Form ADV.

Set Up the Compliance ADV Report

See the ways you can set up and personalize your client relationships information for the purposes of using the Compliance ADV report to answer client relationship questions on Form ADV.