
Firm Revenue Report



Why Use the Firm Revenue Report?

See the Firm Revenue Report in Action: Evaluate Revenue Per Advisor

See the Firm Revenue Report in Action: Export Revenue for Analysis

Features of the Firm Revenue Report

See a Revenue Summary Broken Down by Payee

Export Revenue Details

Use Tooltips to See Details

Customize Data Displayed

Zoom In or Out to Change the View

Switch Between Business Intelligence Reports

Review Data for Account Sets Only

Create a Firm Revenue Report Dashboard View

Firm Revenue Report Settings

Report Actions



Applies to:
✔ Dynamic PDF Mobile Client Portal

The Firm Revenue report aggregates billing data into one report, allowing comprehensive revenue distribution analysis and tracking at the firm and advisor level over a variety of date periods.

In order to track revenue, Tamarac Reporting uses payout distributions to designate what percentage of an account's revenue is attributed to whom—the firm, one or more advisors, or even third parties like custodians. Then, when the account is billed, the billed amount is split according to the designated payout distributions. Those distributions are then aggregated and displayed in the Firm Revenue report.

What each user sees on the report will always be limited to accounts they have access to. If your user can only see a subset of all the accounts, only that subset will be displayed on the report.

For information on how to set up the Firm Revenue report, see Set Up the Firm Revenue Report.

Why Use the Firm Revenue Report?

The Firm Revenue report collects firm-wide billing and revenue data that let you answer many revenue-related questions, such as:

See the Firm Revenue Report in Action: Evaluate Revenue Per Advisor

Cherry Street Financial has a goal of increasing their revenue a certain amount each quarter. Each advisor has specific revenue goals to help achieve this firm-wide initiative. To track this goal, they use a Firm Revenue report configured to display the revenue over the last two years, since the initiative started. The report is set at quarterly intervals, since their clients are billed quarterly, and it includes total revenue and revenue for all advisors.

The Firm Revenue report clearly shows the amount of revenue brought in by each advisor and the firm total for each period.

See the Firm Revenue Report in Action: Export Revenue for Analysis

An advisory firm wants to produce a detailed CSV file that they use for further quarterly revenue analysis. In Q1 2016, their billing included the following:

The normal billing export produces one line (for simplicity, this example only reports the total revenue.):

Interval Total
Q1 2016 $815

Instead of that minimal export, the firm uses Export Detail on the Firm Revenue report to produce the following detailed CSV file:

Interval Billing Date Billing Group Name Account Total
Q1 2016 2/10/16 Billing Group 1 A $115
Q1 2016 2/10/16 Billing Group 1 B $75
Q1 2016 2/10/16 Billing Group 1 C $50
Q1 2016 2/10/16 Billing Group 2 C $105
Q1 2016 2/10/16 Billing Group 2 D $220
Q1 2016 1/31/16 Billing Group 1 A $100
Q1 2016 1/31/16 Billing Group 1 B $150

Features of the Firm Revenue Report

The dynamic report helps you easily filter and sort data to drill down to meaningful results. Report features include the following.

See a Revenue Summary Broken Down by Payee

Drill down into details of revenue for specific users over certain date periods and intervals. When you're looking at the Total revenue, the value will always display the aggregated firm total, regardless of what payees you've added. If you only include some payees, the values displayed may not sum to the Total value.

Export Revenue Details

Export the Firm Revenue report to CSV for a detailed breakdown of revenue for the periods selected, including billing date, billing group, account, and amount billed for each account.

Use Tooltips to See Details

Hover over a data point to see details. You will see a tooltip and the matching category will be highlighted wherever it appears in the chart or table.

Customize Data Displayed

Click data points in the chart legend to show/hide data points.

Zoom In or Out to Change the View

Zoom in on the allocation over time chart by clicking and dragging to select an area. You can then scroll through the zoomed area by holding down the Shift key and dragging to the left or right. Reset your zoomed chart quickly by clicking the button.

Switch Between Business Intelligence Reports

Use the report switcher to quickly navigate between business intelligence reports.

Review Data for Account Sets Only

When you use the Firm Revenue report, you'll notice that the Find Data For list only displays the Account Sets tab. By default, the report displays the All Accounts account set, but you can review data for any existing account set. For more information on account sets, see Group Accounts Into Account Sets.

Create a Firm Revenue Report Dashboard View

There is no Firm Revenue report dashboard report available.

Firm Revenue Report Settings

The following settings are available for the Firm Revenue report. Click the setting name for more details.

Setting Details Available In...
Dynamic Report
Report Name Designate a unique name for the view of the report view. X

Date Period

Select the date period you want to use for the report. X
Intervals Set the interval reported within the selected date period. X
Include Accounts Filter the report to see all or only specific groups of accounts. X
Include Firm Revenue

Show or hide revenue attributed to the firm.

Include Revenue Allocated to Advisors

Show or hide revenue attributed to one or more firm users.

Includes related settings:

  • Show User revenue breakdown

  • Exclude or include only revenue involving these Users

  • Add User

Include Revenue Allocated to Other Payees

Show or hide revenue attributed to one or more Other payees.

Includes related settings:

  • Show Other revenue breakdown

  • Exclude or include only revenue involving these Other sources

  • Add Other

Include Total Revenue Show or hide the total amount of revenue generated. X

Report Actions

To learn more about reports in Tamarac, see Introduction to Reports.

To learn more about how to generate a report, change the data displayed, print or export the report data, and more, see Basics of Working With Reports.

To learn more about creating and using PDF reports, see Understanding PDF Reports and Workflow: Generate a PDF Report.