
Set Up the Firm Revenue Report

The Firm Revenue report uses payout distributions to determine what percentage of the revenue from a billed account goes to each payee. Then, when an account is billed, the billed amount is split among all the payees according to the designated payout distributions. Those distributions are aggregated and displayed in the Firm Revenue report.

To set up the Firm Revenue report:

  1. Determine whether your firm will designate payout distributions at the account level or at the user level. To determine which way is right for your firm, see Set Up Payout Distributions.

  2. Set up payout distributions to designate payees and distribution percentages for all accounts and, if applicable, users. You can do this at the account level and, optionally, at the user level.

    To update the payout distribution for many accounts in bulk:

    1. Create an Account Billing Payout Distributions bulk report.

    2. Run the bulk report on the accounts you want to edit.

    3. Edit the bulk report Excel file to include the desired payout distributions. For more information, see Payout Distribution.

    4. Upload the edited Excel file with an Account Billing Payout Distributions upload data set.

  3. On the Reports menu, under Global Reports, click Firm Revenue report to see a dynamic view of revenue.