
Integration Reference Guide



Glossary of Salesforce and Tamarac Reporting Terms

Sync Frequency

Integration Mapping Fields Available



This page serves as a reference for once you have the Tamarac App set up. You can find information about terminology differences between Salesforce and Tamarac Reporting, syncing frequency, and which Tamarac Reporting fields map to which Salesforce fields.

For information about custom field settings, see Recommended Custom Field Settings.

Glossary of Salesforce and Tamarac Reporting Terms

Tamarac Reporting and Salesforce share objects but refer to them with different terminology. This glossary provides a list of terms and what the equivalent is in each system.

Term System Definition
Account Salesforce In Tamarac Reporting, this is a Household.
Account Tamarac Reporting In Salesforce, this is a financial account.
Client Tamarac Reporting In Salesforce this is a Contact.
Contact Salesforce In Tamarac Reporting, this is a client.
Entity Tamarac Reporting In Salesforce, this is an Object.
Event Tamarac Reporting An action taken in Tamarac Reporting that triggers the creation of a completed task in Salesforce to document the action.
Financial Account Salesforce In Tamarac Reporting, this is simply referred to as an account.
Household Tamarac Reporting In Salesforce, this is an Account.
Object Salesforce In Tamarac Reporting, this is an entity.
Record Tamarac Reporting and Salesforce Generic term for any of the various possible objects in either system: clients, Households, or financial accounts.

Sync Frequency

The following table shows what syncing occurs with the Salesforce integration and when.

Tamarac Reporting Directionality Salesforce Sync Frequency
Client Contact Immediately upon change being made
Household Account Immediately upon change being made
Account Financial Account Upon sync with portfolio accounting system
Events Tasks Immediately upon change being made

Integration Mapping Fields Available

The following entities are available for integration between Tamarac Reporting and Salesforce:

For more information, see Understanding Mapping in the Salesforce Integration.

Because of the way that Tamarac integrates with Salesforce, Tamarac does not currently support Person accounts. For more information, see Before You Start: Salesforce Considerations.