
PDF Custom Section: Add, Edit, and Delete Custom Graphics



Before You Start

Add a Custom Graphic Object

Reposition a Custom Graphic Object

Delete a Custom Graphic Object

Add a Custom Graphic Dashboard Panel

Choose Graphic

Choose Alignment



This topic describes how to add custom graphics to a PDF Custom section. Custom graphics allows you to create a firm-branded cover page for reports templates or sections and add market commentary illustrations.

Before You Start

As you add images and create custom graphics, the following are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

Add a Custom Graphic Object

To add a picture to a PDF Custom section:

  1. Open the PDF Custom section where you want to add graphic.

  2. Drag Graphic onto the custom section grid.

  3. Double-click the graphic you added.

  1. Choose the picture you want to add to the custom PDF section from the Choose graphic list. For more information about graphics settings, see Graphic Dialog. If the picture you want to add does not appear in the list, you can upload it to Tamarac Reporting. For more information on uploading graphics, visit Upload Custom Files.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Drag the graphic to the desired location, and then click Save.

Reposition a Custom Graphic Object

You can change the position of a picture in the following ways:

Delete a Custom Graphic Object

To delete a text object or graphic you've added to a custom section:

  1. Double-click the object you want to delete.

  2. On the dialog that appears, click Delete.

Add a Custom Graphic Dashboard Panel

The PDF dashboard allows you to add a custom graphic to any given panel. This lets you include pictures of charts or graphs from outside analysis, branding graphics, or even photos for a staff bio.

When you add a custom graphic, the following settings are available:

Setting Details Available in...
PDF Dashboard
Choose graphic Designate which image to use. X
Choose alignment Designate where the image is displayed in the PDF dashboard panel. X

For more information about the PDF dashboard, see PDF Dashboard Report.

Choose Graphic

This setting allows you to display any of the images you've uploaded in the PDF dashboard panel.

The custom image below was added to a panel that takes up 100% of the top dashboard panel row.

For more information about uploading images to include in PDF reports, see Upload Custom Files.

Choose Alignment

This setting allows you to control the alignment of the image in the PDF dashboard panel, if the image doesn't take up the entire space.

You can align text or images to the top, middle, or bottom, and right, middle, or left of the panel.