
December 2018 - What's New in Tamarac Trading


Morgan Stanley Trade File

More Restrictions Added to Account Templates and Account Multi-Edit


Morgan Stanley Trade File

We've added a new trade file, Morgan Stanley Mixed Trading. This trade file gives you an additional option for trading equities and mutual funds.

You can enable this trade file on the Rebalancing System Settings page under Trade File Settings. Once enabled, you can choose this new trade file on the Account Settings panel for the account or group, under the Account Configuration panel.

More Restrictions Added to Account Templates and Account Multi-Edit

With this release, we've added two new account-level settings to account multi-edit and account templates: security restrictions and industry group restrictions. Account templates and account multi-edit allow you to apply settings to multiple accounts at once, and these additional settings add flexibility when editing or applying settings to multiple accounts.

Now, when applying account templates or editing multiple accounts, you can take the following actions after you've selected accounts: