
Model Basics



Models and Your Strategy

Why Use Models? 

Model Concepts

Model Priorities



The core of your Tamarac Trading workflow starts with models. Models are the basic building blocks used to build and maintain your clients' holdings. The models you create serve as a framework that can then be applied to and customized for your clients, allowing you to maintain your clients' investment objectives.

Models and Your Strategy

Tamarac Trading gives you the flexibility to create models with different strategies in mind, including the following: 

Why Use Models? 

The models you create offer the following benefits: 

Model Concepts

The following are settings and concepts you'll encounter when it comes to models: 

Model Priorities

Setting asset location preferences and priorities allows you to specify where assets will be placed in a group during the rebalance process. This is a useful tool because it can mean more tax-advantaged placement of assets and potentially higher returns because of reduced tax burden.

For more information, see Learn More about Asset Location and Priorities.