
Within Each Group, Show


How Within Each Group, Show Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How Within Each Group, Show Works

Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF Client Portal

This setting allows you to designate how granular your report gets by determining what data to display as sub-categories under the main Group by rows. You can choose to report on securities or accounts within the group, or to not expand groups.

You can use this setting to create a basic group-level performance report that goes in your monthly statement, but then set the client portal performance report to go into details of performance for each account or security level.

In Dynamic Reports

In dynamic reports, this setting is called When Expanding a Group, Show.

In PDF Reports

This setting is available in the Detailed Performance section of the Account Performance PDF report.

For detailed performance, for each grouping you selected in the Group by list, you can choose what you want shown under the grouping: securities, accounts, or nothing.

You can choose:

Reports With This Setting

Performance Reports

Related Settings

The following setting interacts with this option: