
Service Teams


Service Teams

Generic Users

Service Roles


Service Teams

A service team defines the team members that will be directly involved with servicing a Household. For example, a service team may consist of a trader, customer service associate, primary advisor, and secondary advisor. Use generic users and service roles to build service teams that reflect your firm's team structure.

Service teams allow you to:

To begin creating service teams, see Workflow: Set Up Service Teams.

Generic Users

When creating service teams, all users with a login to Tamarac Reporting will be available to assign to a service team. However, when setting up your service teams, sometimes you'll want to use an email distribution list. Generic users let you do that.

Here are some examples of when you'd want to use a generic user:

For more information about managing generic users, see Create, Edit, and Delete a Service Team Generic User.

Service Roles

Service roles help you organize your service team members into categories—Compliance, Customer Support, Primary Advisor, or any other category you want. When creating service roles, it's best to give lots of thought to the roles that make sense for your firm – and be specific when doing so will add clarity and efficiency. While there is no single organization method that works for all firms, thinking carefully about what makes the most sense will help you create the right roles. Just be careful about the number of roles you create. A large number of roles will make maintenance and merge fields more difficult the future.

Users can be assigned to multiple roles in the Household. For example, you can assign John Smith as the Primary Advisor and Trader for a Household. Similarly, multiple users can be signed the same role. For example, John and Jane can both be Traders in the same service team.

Tamarac Reporting includes the following default roles:

For more information on managing service roles, see Create, Edit, and Delete a Service Role.