
Link Existing Tamarac and Salesforce Records



Link Existing Tamarac Reporting Clients or Households

Link Tamarac and Salesforce Records in Bulk

Link Existing Households with an Upload

Link Existing Clients with an Upload

Audit the Link Between Tamarac and Salesforce Records

Audit Households for a Salesforce Link with a Bulk Export

Audit Clients for a Salesforce Link with a Bulk Export



You can quickly and easily link existing Tamarac Reporting clients and Households to current Salesforce records through Tamarac Reporting. If you have many records to link at once, you can use an upload data set to greatly speed up the linking process.

Link Existing Tamarac Reporting Clients or Households

To link an existing client or Household record from Tamarac Reporting with an existing Salesforce Contact or Account:

  1. In Tamarac Reporting, click Clients/Client Portals to link a client, or click Households to link a Household.

  2. Click the name of the client or Household you want to link.

  3. For clients, on the Client Profile panel, click Add CRM Client. For Households, on the Settings panel, click Add CRM Household.

    Screenshots show client records, but the procedure is the same for Households.

  4. In the search bar, enter the name or email address of the client or Household to link and click Search.

  5. Select the check box next to the desired client name or Household. Click Link Selected Client for clients or Link Selected Household for Households.

  6. When the link is complete, CRM Client Link or CRM Household Link will list the selected client's name or Household. Click Remove to de-link and add a different link.

  7. Click Save.

Link Tamarac and Salesforce Records in Bulk

You can use upload data sets to link Household and client records when you first start using the integration, or any time you have a large number of records to link.


Uploads can overwrite data unintentionally.

Link Existing Households with an Upload

If you are starting new with Salesforce and you want to link all your Tamarac Household records to the corresponding Salesforce Account records, you can upload the data into Tamarac to create those links.

To link multiple records using an upload:

  1. In Tamarac, create a Household Information bulk report. For more information on bulk reports, see Create, Edit, or Delete a Bulk Report.

  2. Add the following columns to the bulk report:

  3. Generate the bulk report. For more information, see Run a Bulk Report to Export Data in Bulk.

  4. Open the exported CSV data file. In the Household CRM ID column, enter the Salesforce Account ID for records you want to link.

    To find Account IDs for all Accounts at once: Create a Salesforce report that includes the Account ID field. Copy and paste the Account ID data into the Household CRM ID column in CSV file.

  5. In Tamarac, create a Household Information upload and add the data from your CSV file. For more information about uploading data, see Upload Bulk Data.

  6. Click Upload. To view the status, go to Upload Status.

Link Existing Clients with an Upload

If you are starting new with Salesforce and you want to link all your Tamarac client records to the corresponding Salesforce Contact records, you can upload the data into Tamarac to create those links.

To link multiple records using an upload:

  1. In Tamarac, create a Client Information bulk report. For more information on bulk reports, see Create, Edit, or Delete a Bulk Report.

  2. Add the following columns to the bulk report:

  3. Generate the bulk report. For more information, see Run a Bulk Report to Export Data in Bulk.

  4. Open the exported CSV data file. In the Client CRM ID column, enter the Salesforce Contact ID for records you want to link.

    To find Contact IDs for all Contacts at once: Create a Salesforce report that includes the Contact ID field. Copy and paste the Contact ID data into the Client CRM ID column in CSV file.

  5. In Tamarac, create a Client Information upload and add the data from your CSV file. For more information about uploading data, see Upload Bulk Data.

  6. Click Upload. To view the status, go to Upload Status.

Audit the Link Between Tamarac and Salesforce Records

Use bulk reports to audit which clients or Households in Tamarac are linked to the corresponding Salesforce record.

Audit Households for a Salesforce Link with a Bulk Export

If you want to audit your Tamarac Reporting Households for which ones still need to be linked to Salesforce, you can use a Household Information bulk report including the Household CRM ID field to review all linked Households.

To audit linked Households:

  1. In Tamarac, create a Household Information bulk report, including the Household CRM ID column. See Create, Edit, or Delete a Bulk Report for instructions on creating a bulk report.

  2. Run the bulk report.

  3. Review the Household CRM ID column. Any Households linked to Salesforce will have a value in the Household CRM ID. Any unlinked Households will be blank.

Audit Clients for a Salesforce Link with a Bulk Export

If you want to audit your Tamarac Reporting clients for which ones still need to be linked to Salesforce, you can use a Client Information bulk report including the Client CRM ID field to review all linked clients.

To audit linked clients:

  1. In Tamarac, create a Client Information bulk report, including the Client CRM ID column. See Create, Edit, or Delete a Bulk Report for instructions on creating a bulk report.

  2. Run the bulk report.

  3. Review the Client CRM ID column. Any clients linked to Salesforce will have a value in the Client CRM ID. Any unlinked clients will be blank.