
February 2019 - What's New in Tamarac Trading

Sleeve-Level Reporting Coming Soon to Tamarac

When you have accounts like unified management accounts (UMAs) where clients' holdings are sorted into different sleeves because those sleeves have different managers or strategies, you need a way to report and trade in those accounts in a way that takes sleeves into account, tracks transactions, and shows holdings and performance for each sleeve independently. Maintaining sleeve-level data manually requires substantial time, is costly, and is prone to error.

Tamarac is thrilled to announce our new sleeve reporting offering, which integrates Security Level models with accounts, making it possible to track sleeves individually or as a whole account. This new feature allows you to: 

After the initial configuration, trading and reporting data automatically integrate, keeping an account's transactions and holdings up to date. This means that employees responsible for trading and models need not worry about reporting details, and employees responsible for reporting don't need to worry about trading details. As long as the allocation from the parent account is correct, the sleeve returns will be accurate.


Once enabled for your firm, sleeve-level reporting cannot be disabled.

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How Sleeve-Level Reporting Works

Once you've determined that sleeve-level reporting is right for you and your clients' circumstances, you'll set up your Security Level models—which serve as a record of your sleeves—and enable them for sleeve-level reporting.

Next, you'll enable the individual accounts for sleeve-level reporting.

To complete the process, create trades in the account and run a sync. Once this is complete, Tamarac creates a sleeve group where each enabled sleeve is a sub-account of the parent group and is named after the Security Level model it represents.


You may also use the upload feature to create sleeve accounts and specify sleeve allocations.

Going forward, you can treat these sleeve accounts like other accounts. You can add them to groups, Households, or account sets, change their display names, and generate reports on those sleeve accounts, just as you would any other account in Tamarac.

> Learn More - Watch the Video

Trading and Sleeve-Level Accounts

Trading in sleeve-level accounts is the same process as trading in any other account: You can run a rebalance and generate a custom strategy in the original account. Recommended trades during a rebalance are based on the allocations of the models that represent the account's sleeves. When you rebalance an account with sleeves, you're still rebalancing an individual account, but the sleeve allocations determine in which sleeves those assets are placed. There's no need to manually split or track assets.

Here are a few additional benefits of trading in sleeve-level accounts: 

After you've created trades in sleeve-level accounts, that data will then flow through to Tamarac Reporting.

Reporting on Sleeve-Level Accounts

You can view dynamic reports or generate PDF reports for any sleeve-level accounts or groups you've created. For more information on the reporting features available, see February 2019 - What's New in Tamarac Reporting.

Additional Features Available With Sleeve-Level Reporting

Sleeve groups and accounts offer the following additional features: 

Learn More - Watch the Release Video