
February 2019 - What's New in Tamarac Reporting



Enhanced Summary by Category Report Functionality

New Data Point: Yield to Worst

Control the Asset Allocation Over Time PDF Dashboard Report Category Sort Order


Standardized Data Labeling on Bulk Reports and Client Portal Dashboard Tiles

Clearer Labeling for Exclude All Securities Settings

Learn More - Watch the Release Video



Sleeve-Level Reporting Coming Soon to Tamarac


Once enabled for your firm, sleeve-level reporting cannot be disabled.

When you have accounts where holdings are sorted into different sleeves managed by different managers or according to different strategies, you need to track transactions, holdings, and performance for each sleeve independently to see how each component contributes. Typically, firms that manage these types of accounts spend a substantial amount of time manually maintaining sleeve account data. This type of manual maintenance can be not only costly, but potentially error-prone.

Tamarac is thrilled to introduce our new sleeve reporting offering, which creates and maintains sleeve accounts automatically, groups them for ready reporting, and even handles unclassified holdings effortlessly. Through a seamless integration with Tamarac Trading, you can designate specific Security Level models and accounts as the basis for creating and updating sleeve-level groups and accounts with every sync.

> Example: Client Reporting

An account employs two different strategies: a conservative sleeve and an aggressive sleeve. The advisor wants to reassure the client of the account's diversification, as well as report on performance for each sleeve individually.

The advisor has already created Security Level models to reflect each strategy. By enabling sleeve reporting for those models and the account, Tamarac automatically generates:

Now the advisor can generate PDF reports on the sleeve group to reflect results for the overall parent account, and on sleeve accounts to reflect results for each strategy. This allows the advisor to demonstrate the account's diversification and performance to the client.

> How Sleeve-Level Reporting Works

Once you've determined that sleeve-level reporting is right for you and your clients' circumstances, you'll set up your Security Level models—which serve as a record of your sleeves—and enable them for sleeve-level reporting.

Next, you'll enable the individual accounts for sleeve-level reporting.

To complete the process, create trades in the account and run a sync.

You may also use the upload feature to create sleeve accounts and specify sleeve allocations.

> How Sleeve Groups and Accounts work

When enabled, Tamarac generates a sleeve group for each parent account and creates or reallocates one sleeve account to the group for each enabled Security Level model assigned to the parent account after each sync. One additional account is created that aggregates all the holdings not assigned to a model. 

Sleeve groups and accounts act exactly like any other account for reporting purposes. You can:

> Example: Internal Reporting

An advisor oversees a large account that includes numerous sleeves, each managed by a different person. The account as a whole is not achieving the expected returns, and the advisor wants to know why.

The advisor decides to evaluate the performance of each sleeve to determine if one or more sleeves is underperforming, and if so, the cause.

In order to evaluate the performance of each sleeve, the advisor enables sleeve reporting for the account. Now the advisor can run performance reports such as the Account Performance report and the Interval Performance report on each sleeve account individually, as well as compare each sleeve with benchmarks and target allocations assigned to each sleeve account, as appropriate.

> Additional Features

Sleeve groups and accounts offer the following additional features: 

Administrators get access to sleeve-level reporting by default. They can grant other users permission to access this feature under Roles > Accounts | Edit account sleeve level reporting and trading.

> Learn More - Watch the Video

Learn More About Sleeve Accounts and Groups >>

Enhanced Summary by Category Report Functionality

Last release we introduced the Summary by Category report as a powerful tool to evaluate performance at the category level. With this release, we expand the capabilities of this report by giving access to even more gain/loss data, aggregating values for assets not assigned to categories, and providing more fine-grained control of what data the report include and how they are displayed.

These changes include:

We've also added the following settings to the Summary by Category report:

New Data Point: Yield to Worst

For firms that have callable bonds, we know that you make choices about suitability based in part on yield projections. To further facilitate analysis of fixed income securities, we've added another yield data point: Current Yield to Worst (Market).

> Track Yield to Worst for a Fixed Income Security

In fixed income securities, you'll see Current Yield to Worst (Market) as an available field that automatically populates through the security detail sync. You can also manually edit the value in the General Settings of a fixed income security.


To update Current Yield to Worst (Market) in bulk, use a Security Information upload.

> Report on Yield to Worst

To report on Yield to Worst, you can add the new Current Yield to Worst (Market) column on the Bond Analysis dynamic and PDF report. You'll also find it in bulk reports within the Security - General section and on the client portal as a Client View data point.

Note that:

Control the Asset Allocation Over Time PDF Dashboard Report Category Sort Order

The Asset Allocation PDF dashboard report for allocation over time now joins the dynamic and full PDF report in automatically displaying categories sorted by your firm's category sort order. We've made this change based on your feedback to allow you to control the order in which the PDF dashboard displays categories.


New Out-of-the-Box Default Configurations for Views, Bulk Reports, Searches, and More

In the past, new users had to spend time setting up views, searches, custom fields, themes, and more before being able to use Tamarac. For example, before running a Transactions report, a new user had to create the specific view, and maybe even the date periods they want, before generating a really useful Transactions report. For a new user, wading through all the different setting configuration options could be daunting, or at least take substantial time.

Wouldn't it be nice for new users to open up Tamarac and, right out of the box, be able to use views on the Accounts page, run a dynamic report, produce a bulk report, or review the Reporting Dashboard without the setup time?

With this release, that dream becomes a reality.

Look, Ma, a surprisingly useful premade dashboard!

Our expert consultants have created default templates for standard, widely-adopted configurations for different areas across Tamarac, ranging from report views to user management roles. This means that all new users added after this release will open up a dynamic report, for example, and see a few default report views, marked with the prefix Default. Similarly, the Accounts page will include several Default views, as will bulk reports, saved searches, and more.

These default configurations will appear throughout Tamarac, including in:

> Report settings.

> Firm Settings.

These are private default configurations owned by each user. This means that the user can edit, delete, share, or copy any item marked Default.

> Permissions

Learn More >>

Standardized Data Labeling on Bulk Reports and Client Portal Dashboard Tiles

We've expanded our effort to make data labels more consistent across the board, this time including client portal dashboard tiles and the Account - Aggregate bulk report section. While results remain the same, you and your clients will find it easier to compare data across Tamarac with these standard naming conventions.

Changes include the following:

Clearer Labeling for Exclude All Securities Settings

We know that it's not always been easy to tell what happens when you select the check boxes next to Exclude From Performance and Exclude From Billing. To help make it clearer what these account settings do, we've moved and slightly renamed the check boxes to indicate that all securities within the account are excluded when you select either check box. The behavior of these check boxes hasn't changed. 


Learn More - Watch the Release Video