
Available Out-of-the-Box Default Settings for New Users



Identify Default Configurations

Who Sees Out-of-the-Box Settings?

Default View Permissions

Reporting Dashboard Widgets

Accounts Page Views

Report Views

Bulk Reports

Saved Searches

Client Views for the Client Portal

Relationship Diagram Views

Custom Views

Roles in User Management

Custom Fields


PDF Themes

Date Periods



In order to make Tamarac useful right out of the box, all new Tamarac users receive a set of preconfigured default views and settings. These default configurations are designed to get new users up and running quickly by offering an array of standard, frequently-used views and settings for the following major areas in Tamarac:

These are private default configurations owned by each new user. This means that the user can edit, delete, share, or copy any item marked Default. Default configurations can serve as the basis to further customize views or configurations, giving new users an idea for a useful view that then just needs a few minor adjustments to optimize.

Within the bounds of their permissions, new users will always be able to create any fully customized view or configuration from scratch, as well.

The following sections describe the default configurations that all new users will see when they initially start using Tamarac.

Identify Default Configurations

The prefix Default - identifies all preconfigured views and settings.

Some default names include the following date period abbreviations:

For more information about date periods, Dates and Date Periods.

Who Sees Out-of-the-Box Settings?

Tamarac automatically assigns default configurations to all new users added after February 21, 2019.

Existing users do not see these default configurations.

Default View Permissions

Default configurations respect user permissions. For example, if a new user doesn't have permission to handle billing, he won't see any billing-related default bulk reports. Similarly, if a new user doesn't have permission to edit PDF templates, she won't be able to change her default templates.

Features that your firm doesn't use won't be included. For example, if your firm doesn't have manual security snapshots enabled, new users won't see the manual security snapshot-related bulk report.

Reporting Dashboard Widgets

The Reporting Dashboard aggregates data from across Tamarac for an at-a-glance view of the data you're most interested in.

Look, Ma, a surprisingly useful premade dashboard!

For more information on the Reporting Dashboard, see Introduction to Dashboards and Using the Tamarac Reporting Dashboard.

New users receive the following Reporting Dashboard views and widgets by default:

Name of default Views Details
Client Review Dashboard

The Reporting Dashboard is designed as a single location to find summary detail on a client account or reporting group. With a well-designed dashboard, a user can easily identify key reporting areas to focus on and drill deeper.

The default Client Review Dashboard includes widgets:

  • Account list

  • Performance summary

  • Asset allocation

  • Recent deposit and withdrawals

  • Recent buys and sales

Client Review Dashboard - Default Account List

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default Capital Flows - Summary - ITD

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default - Summary - Condensed Managed -YTD, 1, 3, ITD

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default - Account Performance - YTD, 1, 3, 5, ITD

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default - Asset Allocation - With Target

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default - Asset Class Performance - YTD,1,3,5, ITD

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default - Transactions - Deposits/Withdrawals - YTD

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Client Review Dashboard - Default - Transactions - Buy/Sell -YTD

The Client Review Dashboard includes this preconfigured widget.

Accounts Page Views

The Accounts page shows all the financial accounts and groups that you have permission to see. On the Accounts page, you can manage accounts and groups, open dynamic reports, generate bulk reports and PDF reports, and more.

For more information on using the Accounts page, see Accounts Page Actions, Views, and Filters. For more information about accounts and groups, see Introduction to Accounts, Groups, Households, and Clients.

New users receive the following Accounts page views by default:

Name of default Views Details
Default - *Account - Open This Accounts page view displays the most common columns, and includes only open accounts.
Default - Account - Cash This Accounts page view displays columns that can be useful in evaluating current cash balances.
Default - Account - Recon This Accounts page view displays reconcilation columns to assist operations users in reviewing reconciliation status of accounts on a regular basis.

Report Views

Reports provide on-screen, interactive snapshots of performance, transactions, and holdings for accounts, groups, account sets, and Households.

For more information on using reports, see The Basics of Working With Reports. For a list of all the available reports, see List of Available Reports.

Identify Useful Configurations

Default configurations marked with and bold text are configurations that you may find especially useful.

New users receive the following dynamic report views by default:

Location in Tamarac Name of default Views Details
Account Performance Report Default - Account Performance - YTD, 1, 3, 5, ITD This report view shows the most common date periods for performance and is grouped by account. It is designed to be run on a reporting group to see the accounts within the group.
Default - Asset Class Performance - YTD, 1, 3, 5, ITD This report view shows the most common date periods for performance and is grouped by asset class or category. It can be run on single accounts or groups.
Asset Allocation Report Default - Asset Allocation - Current This report view includes current asset allocation for an account or group.
Default - Asset Allocation - Over Time This report view displays a chart that shows how the asset allocation for an account or group has changed over time from inception.
Default - Asset Allocation - With Target

This report view displays current asset allocation as well as a target allocation, if a target allocation has been assigned to the account or group.

For more information, see Target Allocations.

Capital Flows Report Default - Capital Flows - Detailed - ITD This report view displays a capital flows chart, summary table, and transactions from inception to date.
Default - Capital Flows - Detailed - YTD This report view displays a capital flows chart, summary table, and transactions for the year to date.
Default - Capital Flows - Summary - ITD This report view displays a capital flows chart and summary table from inception to date.
Default - Capital Flows - Summary - YTD This report view displays a capital flows chart and summary table for the year to date.
Comparative Review Report Default - Account List This report view displays a simple account list when run on a reporting group.
Default - Account List - YTD Performance This report view displays an account list including performance data for the year to date.
Holdings Report Default - Holdings - By Lot This report view displays tax lot-level holdings for any account or group.
Default - Holdings - Consolidated This report view displays consolidated holdings. If run on a reporting group, it will only report one line for each position.
Default - Holdings - Group by Account This report view displays a Holdings report that is grouped by account. This is useful to run on a reporting group to see which accounts hold which positions.
Income and Expenses Report Default - Expenses - Prior Year This report view displays last year's expense transactions.
Default - Expenses - Prior Year (Taxable Accounts) This report view displays last year's expense transactions, only for accounts marked as taxable.
Default - Expenses - YTD This report view displays this year's expense transactions.
Default - Expenses - YTD (Taxable Accounts) This report view displays this year's expense transactions, only for accounts marked as taxable.
Default - Income - Prior Year This report view displays last year's income transactions.
Default - Income - Prior Year (Taxable Accounts) This report view displays last year's income transactions, only for accounts marked as taxable.
Default - Income - YTD This report view displays this year's income transactions.
Default - Income - YTD (Taxable Accounts) This report view displays this year's income transactions, only for accounts marked as taxable.
Default - Income and Expenses - YTD This report view displays both income and expense transactions for this year.
Interval Performance Report Default - Interval Performance - ITD This report view displays daily performance intervals at the account level from the inception to date.
Default - Interval Performance - YTD This report view displays daily performance intervals at the account level from the year to date.
Position Performance Report Default - Position Performance - Prior Year

This report view displays a position-level accounting for the previous year. It includes the following columns:

  • Start Value

  • Flows

  • Investment Gain

  • IRR

Default - Position Performance - YTD

This report view displays a position-level performance accounting for the year to date. It includes the following columns:

  • Symbol

  • Security Description

  • Start Value

  • Net Contribution

  • Change in Value of Securities Sold

  • Change in Value of Securities Held

  • Income/Expenses

  • Ending Value

  • IRR

Default - Position Performance by Asset Class - YTD

This report view displays a position-level performance accounting, grouped by asset class for the year to date. It includes the following columns:

  • Symbol

  • Security Description

  • Start Value

  • Net Contribution

  • Change in Value of Securities Sold

  • Change in Value of Securities Held

  • Income/Expenses

  • Ending Value

  • IRR

Realized Gains and Losses Report Default - Realized Gains/Losses - Prior Year

This report view displays last year's realized gain/loss data.  It includes the Source of Record column, to indicate where the data for realized gains/losses come from.

For more information, see Cost Basis Offering for Tamarac Reporting.

Default - Realized Gains/Losses - YTD

This report view displays this year's realized gain/loss data. It includes the Source of Record column, to indicate where the data for realized gains/losses come from.

For more information, see Cost Basis Offering for Tamarac Reporting.

Summary Report Default - Summary - Condensed Managed - YTD, 1, 3, ITD

This report view displays a simple accounting of performance for the managed values of an account or group. It reports:

  • Start Value

  • Inflows

  • Outflows

  • Investment Gain

  • Ending Value

  • TWR

  • IRR

Default - Summary - Condensed Total - YTD, 1, 3, ITD

This report view displays a simple accounting of performance for the managed and total values (if there are unmanaged assets present) of an account or group. It reports:

  • Start Value

  • Inflows

  • Outflows

  • Investment Gain

  • Ending Value

  • TWR

  • IRR

Default - Summary - Detailed - YTD, 1, 3, ITD

This report view displays a detailed accounting of performance for the managed values of an account or group. It reports:

  • Start Value

  • Inflows

  • Outflows

  • Change in Value of Securities Held

  • Change in Value of Securities Sold

  • Income

  • Management Fees

  • Other Expenses

  • Change in Accrued

  • Transfers

  • Ending Value

  • Investment Gain

  • TWR

  • IRR

Transactions Report Default - Transactions - All - ITD This report view displays all transactions in an account back to the inception date.
Default - Transactions - All - YTD This report view displays all transactions in an account for this year.
Default - Transactions - All (Group by Activity) - YTD This report view displays all transactions in an account, grouped by activity type, for this year.
Default - Transactions - Buy/Sell - YTD This report view displays all buy and sell transactions for this year.
Default - Transactions - Cash Ledger - YTD This report view displays a cash ledger-style view of transactions and a running balance of the cash balance in the account.
Default - Transactions - Deposits/Withdrawals - Previous Day This report view displays all deposit and withdrawal transactions for the previous market day. Run this report on a set of accounts to review daily cash flows.
Default - Transactions - Deposits/Withdrawals - YTD This report view displays all deposit and withdrawal transactions for this year.

Bulk Reports

Bulk reports are custom comma-delimited reports that you can build using data found in Tamarac Reporting. You can customize which data columns appear within bulk reports, as well as share your customized bulk reports with colleagues.

For more information see Understanding Bulk Data Exports and Bulk Report Descriptions.

Identify Useful Configurations

Default configurations marked with and bold text are configurations that you may find especially useful.

New users receive the following bulk reports by default:

Name of default Bulk Reports Details
Default - Account Holdings - Current (With Categories) This bulk report allows a user to export account-level holdings for all accounts, including currently assigned security categories. It can be useful in classifying securities in the security master.
Default - Account Information This bulk report allows a user to export account information on all accounts and review how certain critical account labels are assigned.
Default - AUM Previous Quarter This bulk report is used in a custom view for reviewing assets under management and metrics on accounts in the previous quarter.
Default - Billing Groups This bulk report allows a user to export all of the billing group configurations for review and audit.
Default - Billing History - Previous Bill

This bulk report allows a user to export the generated billing history for the previous billing run on an account. This is used in the billing process to review and audit prior to deducting fees from client accounts.

For more information on the billing process, see Workflow: Run Billing.

Default - Group Members This bulk report allows a user to export all of the reporting group membership data for auditing.
Default - Household Information

This bulk report allows a user to export all of the Household information for data auditing.

For more information on Households, see Introduction to Accounts, Groups, Households, and Clients.

Default - Manual Security Snapshots - YTD

This bulk report allows for export of all manual security snapshot data for the year to date on all accounts.

For more information on manual security snapshots, see Manual Securities and Manual Security Snapshots.

Default - Security Information This bulk report allows for export of security master data for audit and updating.

Saved Searches

Saved searches let you combine filters to identify specific data within Tamarac. Once created, you can apply to saved searches to such areas as the Accounts page, the Securities page, or the Reporting Dashboard to see only results that meet the criteria.

For more information, see Saved Searches and Search Filters.

Identify Useful Configurations

Default configurations marked with and bold text are configurations that you may find especially useful.

New users receive the following saved searches by default:

Name of default Saved Searches Details
Default - Audit: Accounts Closed in Last 30 Days This saved search audits accounts that have recently closed.
Default - Audit: Accounts Created in Last 7 Days

This saved search reviews the most recent list of accounts that have opened recently. This saved search is used in the Default - Account Details for Accounts Added in Last 7 Days custom view.

Default - Audit: Accounts Not in a Household

This saved search allows the user to identify whether any accounts are not in a Household. Households. Some CRM and financial planning integrations depend upon Household membership assignment.

Default - Audit: Accounts With No Custodian

This saved search returns accounts without a custodian assigned. Some custodian integrations depend upon proper assignment of the custodian label.

For more information on integrations, see Learn More About Third-Party Tamarac Reporting Integrations.

Default - Recon: Closed and Linked Status This saved search identifies any account marked as closed but that is still included in the custodian feed. These accounts should be validated as either an open account or an account that needs to be removed from the custodian data feed.
Default - Recon: Open Accounts Missing Reconciliation This saved search identifies any account marked as missing in the most recent reconciliation. If an account is missing, that means that the account did not receive a position file, and there is no way to tell if it is reconciled to the custodian or not. These should be investigated frequently.
Default - Recon: Open and Unreconciled This saved search identifies any account not reconciled to the positions in the custodian data feed. To track and resolve any accounts on this list, contact your Tamarac service team.

Client Views for the Client Portal

Only new users added to new firms receive this default configuration. New users added to existing firms will receive the configurations already established for the firm.

Client views combine all the different elements of the client portal—reports pages, the document vault, the Service Team page, and more—into finished portals. You can create different client views for different clients, allowing for a customized client portal experience.

The client view determines what the client's mobile app looks like. For more information, see Introduction to the Tamarac Mobile App.

For more information, see Create a Client View and Setting Up Client Portals.

New users receive the following client portal client views by default:

Name of default Client Views Details
Default - Advanced Client View This client portal view displays a detailed dashboard with tiles, Asset Allocation, Capital Flows, Holdings, Income and Expenses, Performance Summary and Realized Gain/Loss reports for the client portal.
Default - Document Only This client portal view displays only a document vault for the client portal.
Default - Standard Client View This client portal view displays a standard dashboard with tiles, Asset Allocation, Holdings and Summary report for the client portal.
Default - Asset Allocation

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Capital Flows - Detailed

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Capital Flows - Summary

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Holdings

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Income and Expenses - Prior Year

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Income and Expenses - YTD

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Performance Summary

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Realized Gains/Losses - Prior Year

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Default - Realized Gains/Losses - YTD

Default Client Views include this preconfigured report.

Relationship Diagram Views

The relationship diagram uses a visual tree structure to display connections between accounts, groups, and Households.

For more information, see Relationship Diagram.

New users receive the following relationship diagram views by default:

Name of default Views Details
Default - Relationship Diagram This report view allows you to visually see the accounts and groups in hierarchy structure. You can include account values and transaction summary values on each tile in the relationship diagram.

Custom Views

Custom Views combine the filtering of saved searches and reporting of bulk reports to give you powerful data mining capabilities. They allow you to run bulk reports based on saved searches and then filter the bulk reports directly on your screen.

For more information, see Custom Views.

Identify Useful Configurations

Default configurations marked with and bold text are configurations that you may find especially useful.

New users receive the following custom views by default:

Name of default Views Details
Default - Account Details for Accounts Added in Last 7 Days This custom view allows the user to validate that accounts added in the last seven days have had important account details entered as part of the new account process. It uses the Default - Audit: Accounts Created in Last 7 Days saved search.
Default - AUM Previous Quarter This custom view allows the user to view previous quarter metrics on all accounts or a subset of accounts, if you use an account set or saved search. This is a useful management dashboard item.

Roles in User Management

Only new users added to new firms receive this default configuration. New users added to existing firms will receive the configurations already established for the firm.

A role defines the set of tasks that a user or user group is allowed to perform. With user roles, you can control who has permission to modify accounts, run reports, and more.

For more information, see Manage Permissions for Roles and User Management.

New users receive the following user management roles by default:

Name of default Roles Details
Basic User Role This view-only role can be assigned to new users. It allows new users to access all dynamic reports and run any PDF reports, but not edit any account details.

Custom Fields

Only new users added to new firms receive this default configuration. New users added to existing firms will receive the configurations already established for the firm.

Custom fields allow you to add unique, firm-specific data fields to accounts, groups, Households, and securities, and to use those fields within searches and reports.

For more information, see Custom Fields for Accounts, Groups, Households, and Securities.

Identify Useful Configurations

Default configurations marked with and bold text are configurations that you may find especially useful.

New users receive the following custom fields by default:

Name of default Fields Details
Default - Billed Account

Use this custom field to identify whether an account is billed or not.

It is used in some saved searches to help identify billed accounts that have not yet been set up for billing in a billing group.


Only new users added to new firms receive this default configuration. New users added to existing firms will receive the configurations already established for the firm.

The site theme determines the look and feel throughout Tamarac, including dynamic reports, PDF reports, desktop client portals views, and the mobile app.

For more information, see Site Themes.

New users receive the following themes by default:

Name of default Themes Details
Standard Theme This basic theme includes commonly applied options configured for ease of use and design.

PDF Themes

Only new users added to new firms receive this default configuration. New users added to existing firms will receive the configurations already established for the firm.

PDF Themes allow you to control the look and feel of many global items in your PDF reports, such as colors, number precision, display of negative numbers, and more.

For more information, see PDF Themes.

New users receive the following PDF theme by default:

Name of default Views Details
Default - Standard PDF Theme This basic theme includes commonly applied options configured for ease of use and design.

Date Periods

Only new users added to new firms receive this default configuration. New users added to existing firms will receive the configurations already established for the firm.

Date periods allow you to capture data across a span of time instead of a single day, such as Inception to Date or 2015, and access those date ranges across a variety of dynamic and PDF reports.

For more information, see Dates and Date Periods.

New users receive the following date periods by default:

Name of default Views Details
1 Year Use this date period to see results for 365 days ago.
3 Year Use this date period to see results for 1095 days ago.
5 Year Use this date period to see results for 1825 days ago.
Prior Year Use this date period to see 1 year ago.