
Identify Accounts for Directed Trades



Identify Accounts with Saved Searches

Example Saved Searches for Directed Trades



Directed trades allow you to focus on individual securities while giving you the option of trading across a group of accounts outside the constraints of a rebalance.

When creating a directed trade, the options you choose depend on your strategy, but the basic workflow is the same: 

This page provides steps for how to identify accounts appropriate for directed trades. For information about other steps in the Directed Trades workflow, see Directed Trades Process.

For more information on specific strategies that can be used with directed trades, see Strategies Using Directed Trades and Directed Trades Versus Rebalancing.

Identify Accounts with Saved Searches

Often, the first step in the directed trades process is identifying accounts in which you want to complete a directed trade. Use saved searches to identify and save a list of those accounts based on search criteria that you set.

For steps to create a saved search, see Create, Edit, or Delete Saved Searches. Once you create a saved search, you can also share that search with others or save the search to use in the future. You can then use the saved search to apply accounts to your directed trade.

Here are some useful saved searches you might use: 

For more information on creating saved searches as well as examples of commonly used saved searches, see Working With Saved Searches.

Example Saved Searches for Directed Trades

Here are some example saved searches you can create before generating a directed trade:

There are many other options for saved search criteria which you can use to identify accounts needed in a directed trade. For more information on creating a saved search, see Learn More About Searching for Accounts.

Next Step

Go to the next step, Create, Edit, or Delete Directed Trades.