
Give Portal Access to Non-Client Users



Workflow Steps: Give Portal Access to Non-Client Users

Additional Resources



You probably have people who aren't clients but who need to have client portal access. For example, perhaps you share clients with other financial professionals like CPAs and estate lawyers, and it would be helpful to share files securely through the document vault with them. Or you might have trustees or investment committee members who need to monitor the activity on particular accounts. In these cases, you can give non-client users access to a Tamarac client portal for smooth, secure data and document sharing.

This page provides steps for how to set up a client record in Tamarac so non-client users can access the client portal.

Workflow Steps: Give Portal Access to Non-Client Users


(Optional) Create a Client View for Non-Client Users

Non-client users like CPAs, trustees, or investment committee members want to use the client portal for different purposes than your investor clients. To make the portal useful for these non-client users, consider creating a unique client view tailored to their needs. For example, a client view for a CPA might include an accounts page and a document vault, but no reports.

If you want to create a unique view for non-client users, see Create a Client View.


Create a Client Record

Even though a CPA or trustee isn't your client, you still create a client record in Tamarac for them. That client record, linked to your mutual client's Household, will give non-client users access to documents and account information for that Household.

Note that the email address you enter will receive all Tamarac communications, including the client portal setup link.

To create a client record, see Create, Edit, or Delete a Client.


Assign the Client Record to a Household

The non-client user will see financial records and documents posted for whatever Household you assign them to, so it is critical to assign them to the correct Household. For example, if you and a CPA share a Georgia Abbey as a client, you'd assign the CPA's client record to the Abbey Household.

You can add the client record to the appropriate Household in either of two locations:


Enable Portal Access and Configure Client Portal Settings for the Client Record

  • Enable portal access: To turn on the portal for the user, set Enable Portal Access to Yes. Select Send Activation Email to send the user a link to set up their sign-in information.
  • Choose the client view for the portal: Choose an appropriate client view from Client Desktop View. If you created a unique client view for non-client users, assign that here.
  • Set how to share documents: If you plan to share reports or other documents with these users, use Preferred Delivery Method to set how you want them to receive those files.


Save the Client Record

When you're done, save the client record. The client portal activation email is sent to the email address in the client record, giving the non-client user access to the Tamarac data and documents they need.

Additional Resources

Learn more about the client portal: Learn More About Client Portals.