
Learn More About Common Customer Service Requests for Client Portals

Enable Client Portal Access for a Client

Learn how to enable client portal access for a client.

Disable Client Portal Access for a Client

Learn how to disable client portal access for a client.

Help Your Client Sign In or Out of the Client Portal

Learn how to help your clients get signed in to or out of their Tamarac client portal.

Reset a Client Portal Password

Learn how to reset a password for a client, and learn how a client can reset a password without calling you.

Track How Much Longer a Password Link is Active (Authentication Link Expiration)

Learn about how to track how long a client has until their client portal password set up email link expires.

Allow or Prevent Clients from Uploading to the Document Vault

Learn how to enable or disable file sharing from the client's document vault.

Post a PDF Report to a Client Portal

Learn how to post reports to a client's portal. This provides a convenient method to share information with one or multiple clients, or with your all your clients at once.

Post Documents, Reports and Other Files to Client Portals

Learn how to post documents and other files to the document vault.

View a Client Portal Exactly As Your Client Sees It

Learn how to sign into the client portal as your client to troubleshoot issues and see things exactly as your client sees them. The client will be able to see any changes you make, so proceed with caution.

Dual Factor Authentication Reset

If a user from your firm forgets the answer to one of their security questions or repeatedly enters the wrong code and gets locked out, you can clear the answers. They can then log in, setting up new questions and answers.

See the Last Date and Time a Client Signed Into the Client Portal

See the last time a client has signed into the Tamarac Reporting client portal.

Update a Client Email

Change the email your client uses to access their client portal.

Allow Clients to Manage Assets and Liabilities on the Portal

Learn how to configure the client portal to allow clients to add assets and liabilities themselves.

Link, Edit, or Unlink Accounts on the Client Portal

Learn the steps for your clients to link held-away accounts through the client portal.

Manually Add Assets and Liabilities in the Client Portal

Learn the steps for your clients to add assets and liabilities through the client portal.

Use the Client Portal Assets & Liabilities Page

Learn about the features of the client portal Assets & Liabilities page, including allowing clients to link accounts and manage linked accounts.

Client Portal Announcements

Learn how to create, edit, or delete an announcement on the client portal.

Give Portal Access to Non-Client Users

Learn how to give Tamarac client portal access to CPAs, trustees, investment committee members, and other non-client users who need access to clients' financial information.