
Manage the Mobile App



Before You Begin

Mobile App Access and Permissions

Choose Standard or Premium App

Download the Mobile App

Check Existing Client Views in the Mobile App

View the Mobile App As Client

Invite Clients to Use the Mobile App

Mobile App Login Options



The mobile app is designed to be your clients' on-the-go portal, providing access to reports, documents, and your client's service team anywhere, through any Android or iOS device.

Before You Begin

The majority of the mobile app setup is managed through Tamarac Reporting when you set up client portal client views. However, there are some mobile-specific actions you, as an advisor, will take:

  1. Choose standard or premium app.

  2. Download the app to your phone and log in as an advisor

  3. Confirm your existing client views work well on the mobile app, and make minor modifications to the associated client views if necessary.

  4. Set up clients on the mobile app.

Mobile App Access and Permissions

Firm Users: In the standard app, any firm user can log in using their credentials to view the mobile app as a client. Users will only be able to see the mobile app for clients they have permission to access. For more information, see User Management.

Firm users will only have access to view the mobile app for users they have permissions to. If you can't see a client in the mobile app list, confirm that you have permission to view that client.

Clients: Only clients with active desktop portals will have access to the mobile app.

Choose Standard or Premium App

There are two versions of the app available: standard or premium. You can pick which app version meets your firm's needs.

  Standard Premium
Name in the app store WealthView

Determined by your firm


Example: Cherry Street Financial

Credentials required for client login

Client enters:

Client enters:

  • Username
  • Password
Login screen logo

WealthView logo created by Tamarac


Determined by your firm


Shortcut icon



Determined by your firm


Portal theme Determined by your firm Determined by your firm
  • Free to you
  • Free to your clients
  • Additional cost to you
  • Free to your clients
Additional setup requirements None Work with Tamarac Account Management to sign mobile app paperwork and create custom look and feel. Learn More >>
Download availability Immediately Some delay as app is created for your firm
Features (if included in the client view)

For more information on the premium app, see Set Up the Premium App.

Download the Mobile App

To find and download the mobile app, in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, search for:

Complete the download process as usual for your device. The shortcut will be added to your screen.

When you open the app, you will be prompted to log in. When you log in as an advisor, do not enter a portal code. Instead, log in using your Tamarac Reporting username and password.

Check Existing Client Views in the Mobile App

You don't have to configure or create any new pages for the mobile app. Instead, the mobile app uses your existing client views and displays them in a responsive and mobile-friendly environment.

Before your clients start using your mobile app, log in as an advisor and view the app as any client with an active portal. This allows you to confirm that an existing desktop client view looks good and works well in the mobile version.

Client Portal Dashboard Required

The client view should include a dashboard. The client will not be able to log into the app unless there is a dashboard assigned to their portal.

For more information on dashboards in client views, see Create a Client View and Client Views - Dashboard Page.

View the Mobile App As Client

To view the mobile app as a client in the standard or premium app:

  1. Download the app from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

  2. Open the app.

  3. In the credential fields:

    1. Leave the Portal Code blank.

    2. Enter your email address and Tamarac Reporting password.

  4. Tap Sign In.

  5. From the list of clients, tap the client whose mobile app portal you want to view.

Invite Clients to Use the Mobile App

Once you've verified that your client views work well in the mobile app, your clients can begin downloading and using the app.

Clients will use the following process to get the app:

  1. Download the app from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

  2. Open the app.

  3. Log in to the app.

Mobile App Login Options

In addition to logging in using the username and password, the following credential authentication options are available:

For more information, see Mobile App Login Options. To learn more about client portal security, see Client Portal Security.