
Client Views - Assets and Liabilities Page



Create an Assets & Liabilities Page

Edit an Assets & Liabilities Page

Delete an Assets & Liabilities Page

Copy an Assets & Liabilities Page (Save As New)

Assign an Assets and Liabilities Page to a Client View

Link Directly to the Assets & Liabilities Page from the Dashboard



On the Assets and Liabilities client view page, you can allow clients to see accounts, assets, and liabilities together; add, edit, and delete assets and liabilities and linked accounts; and open reports for accounts or groups.

This topic provides steps for how to create, edit, or delete an Assets & Liabilities client view page.

The following links provide more details on using the client portal for managing assets and liabilities:

Create an Assets & Liabilities Page

To customize the Assets & Liabilities page for a client view, follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Client Views.

  2. Click Reports / Pages.

  3. In Report and Page Types, choose Assets/Liabilities.

  4. Type a name for the Assets & Liabilities page.

  1. Configure the options as desired:

  2. Click Save.

Edit an Assets & Liabilities Page

To edit an Assets and Liabilities page client view, follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Client Views.

  2. Click Reports / Pages.

  3. In Select a Report or Page, choose the Assets & Liabilities page client view you want to edit.

  1. Configure the options as desired:

  1. Click Save.

Delete an Assets & Liabilities Page

You cannot delete a page that is currently in use. Before you delete a page, make sure it's not actively being used in any client views.

To delete an Assets and Liabilities page client view, follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Client Views.

  2. Click Reports / Pages.

  3. In Select a Report or Page, choose the Assets & Liabilities page client view you want to delete.

  1. Click Delete.

  2. In the Confirm Delete dialog, click Delete.

Copy an Assets & Liabilities Page (Save As New)

To make a copy of a document vault page client view, follow these steps:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Client Views.

  2. Click Reports / Pages.

  3. In Select a Report or Page, choose the Assets and Liabilities page client view you want to copy.

  1. In the Name box, type a unique name for the new page.

  1. Configure the options as desired:

  1. Click Save As New

Assign an Assets and Liabilities Page to a Client View

To assign an Assets & Liabilities page to a client view:

  1. On the Client Reporting menu, click Client Views.

  2. Click Client Views.

  3. In Select a Client View, choose the client view you want to add the page to. For information on creating an entirely new view, see Create a Client View.

  4. In Select Pages, under Assets/Liabilities, choose the desired Assets & Liabilities page.

  5. Click Save.

Link Directly to the Assets & Liabilities Page from the Dashboard

You can allow clients to open the Assets & Liabilities page directly from any dashboard tile that includes a Net Worth data point. For more information, see Link from a Net Worth Dashboard Tile to the Assets and Liabilities Page.