
Introduction to the New Client Portal Documents Page



Post Documents

Send Files to a Client

Receive Files from Clients

Allowed File Extensions and Size

Virus Scanning

Document Page Folders

Add Folders to the Documents Page

How Clients Can Use Folders

Documents Page Sections

Send and Receive Email Notifications



The client portal is your clients’ one-stop shop for all aspects of their financial life, including a secure and easy place for you and your clients to share sensitive documents like quarterly statements, tax records, investment prospectuses, account forms, and firm forms requires a special level of security.

On the Documents page, if you allow it, your clients can:

This topic provides information about how the Documents page works in the new client portal.

Post Documents

Send Files to a Client

When you post a PDF or file to clients, they receive them in the Documents page just as they do in the legacy Document Vault.

As you share files in the Documents page, be aware of the following Tamarac Document Vault functionality not available in the Documents page:

For details on posting to clients, see:

Receive Files from Clients

Clients can use the Documents page to share sensitive documents with you in a useful two-way information flow. They can delete any files that they upload, but they can't organize them into folders.

The maximum upload file size is 100 MB.

By default, clients are not allowed to upload files to the Documents page. To allow clients to upload files and delete files they upload, clear Enable read-only Documents page in the page configuration.

For steps to allow clients to share files with you through the Documents page, see Allow Clients to Upload Files in the New Client Portal.

Allowed File Extensions and Size

You and your clients can upload files up to a maximum of 100 MB in size.

The following file types are allowed to be uploaded to the client portal:

Virus Scanning

All files are scanned using Symantec Protection Engine. The upload will fail and report a virus scanning error if:

To resolve, upload a file without virus signatures, ensure that the file is one of the allowed file extensions, and make sure the file is less than 100 MB.

Document Page Folders

As you and clients add files to the Documents page, the number of files may expand and make it hard to find what you're looking for. When you generate a PDF report or post a file, you can organize it into a folder to make it easier to find.

Files added to folders appear in the folder and in the Recent section.

Add Folders to the Documents Page

To let clients see a folder, add a file to the folder when you share it to the client portal. A folder only appears on the Documents page after you've added a file to it.

How Clients Can Use Folders

Folders are read-only for clients. Clients can see files you add to folders, but they can't organize files into folders or create their own folders.

Documents Page Sections

In addition to organizing files into folders, the Documents page organizes content into sections to make it easier to find files.

The Documents page always shows the following sections:

Send and Receive Email Notifications

You can choose to notify clients by email when documents are posted to portals. To send a notification email, in the Post Document window, select Send an email to the client. You always receive an email notification when clients share files with you.

For more information about notification emails, see Send Notification Email to the Clients and Customize the Automated E-mail Messages that Tamarac Reporting Sends.

The Documents page does not support announcements or portal badges.