
Summary Report Data Point Calculations



Report Calculations



This page offers specific details of how Tamarac calculates performance data points you see on the Summary report.

In addition to the Summary report, you'll see these data points in performance reporting throughout Tamarac, including in the following locations:

Smart Help Video: Summary Report Calculations

In this short video, you'll learn about some Summary report data points.

Report Calculations

Entry Transaction Activity Other Considerations
Start Value N/A (market value at start of period)  


Cash Inflows + Receipt of Securities

Assets changed from unmanaged to managed

Examples: buying managed security using unmanaged cash, selling unmanaged security to managed cash, dividend income from unmanaged security going to managed cash, etc.

Child accounts which have a non-zero value at inception during the period being requested


Cash Outflows + Transfer of Securities

Assets changed from managed to unmanaged


Cash withdrawals
+ Market value of securities transferred out during that period
+ Capital outflows from excluded assets
+ Fees unchecked to reduce both gross and net returns

Change in Value of Securities Held N/A (change in market value during period of positions currently held)

This data point is computed indirectly; starting with investment gain and then subtracting all components of investment gain that are not counted towards change in value of securities held.


Current Value – Start Value – Cash Inflows – Cash Outflows – Receipts of Securities – Transfers of securities – Transfers – Realized gains – Dividend Income – Interest Income – Management Fees – Other Expenses – Change in accrued

Change in Value of Securities Sold

N/A (change in market value during period of positions sold)

Sells, covers, transfers of securities, income reported as gain, and debit security


Value Closed – Market Value at the Beginning of the Date Period

Dividend Income Income transactions marked as: dividend, non-qualified dividend, qualified dividend, payment in lieu of dividend Income must come from managed security
Interest Income Income transactions marked as interest, sell transactions with an accrued interest component Income must come from managed security
Management Fees Expense transactions marked as management fee  
Other Expenses Expense transactions not marked as management fee If the expense type does not reduce net performance, then it is considered a cash outflow instead of an expense.
Change in Accrued  

Difference in accrued income at the start and end date


Change in Accrued = End Accrued Income - Start Accrued Income - Buy Transaction Accrued Income - Receipt of Securities Accrued Income - Transfer Of Securities Accrued Income - Debt Security Accrued Income - Credit Security Accrued Income

Ending Value N/A (market value at end of period)

The market value of a particular holding at the end of the period.


Ending Value = Start Value + Net Flows (Net Contributions) + Net Investment Gain + External Fee Payment

Investment Gain  


End Value - Start Value - Net Flows = Capital Appreciation + Income + Other Expenses + Management Fees + Change in Accrued

Transfers Journals, credit security, debit security, buys/sells/shorts/covers where the Money security is set to NONE. Transfers is primarily used for internal auditing purposes. It is only non-zero when position-level flows do not cleanly attribute their account's flows. For example, when a security is credited into an account, the market value of the credit is counted as a position level inflow, but to the account credits are non-flow. If a credit is posted with no offsetting debit, then the discrepancy between the account's flows and the position's flows will result in a transfer.
External Fee Payment When a management fee and a deposit are the same amount on a given date, it is considered an external fee payment. The deposit amount is not included in the Contributions row, even if the External Fee Payment row is omitted from the report.