
Performance Data Extract Bulk Report



How to Read the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report

Restrictions and Limitations

Why Use the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report?

See the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report in Action

Features of the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report

Evaluate Accounts by Category

Include Interval Performance

Export to Integrate With Third Parties

Include Managed Assets, Unmanaged Assets, or Both

Performance Data Extract Bulk Report Settings



The Performance Data Extract bulk report gives you access to comprehensive account, category, and interval performance data combined in uniquely useful ways. It allows you to extract essential performance data in bulk for effective auditing and performance data validation, answering questions like, "In this account set, which accounts holding fixed income securities had the worst returns each month for the last year?"

Operations teams can also use it to export Tamarac performance data in bulk to third-party platforms not yet integrated with Tamarac.

With the Performance Data Extract bulk report, you can:

For information on generating bulk reports in general, see Understanding Bulk Data Exports and Run a Bulk Report to Export Data in Bulk.

How to Read the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report

The Performance Data Extract bulk report creates an individual row for each unique combination of interval, grouping, and account. As a result, you'll see many rows with the same account number, category, and interval, depending on how you set up the report.

For example, if you create a bulk report with a quarterly interval for the date range from December 31, 2007 to September 30, 2008 and include two security type categories, you'll see:

Restrictions and Limitations

The Performance Data Extract bulk report can produce a CSV file with many thousands of rows. To protect system performance, we have implemented the following restrictions only for the Performance Data Extract bulk report:

Why Use the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report?

In the Performance Data Extract bulk report, you will find settings configurations that let you answer questions about category and interval performance for accounts and groups, such as:

See the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report in Action

At Cherry Street Financial, an advisor wants to evaluate which accounts holding equities have performed the best each quarter over the last five years. The advisor set up the Performance Data Extract with Quarterly intervals, a date period of Previous 5 Years, and grouped by Security Type, with only Equities added.

After generating the bulk report, the advisor downloads the CSV file for further analysis:

Features of the Performance Data Extract Bulk Report

The Performance Data Extract bulk report settings offer powerful configuration options to evaluate performance across accounts, categories, and intervals.

Evaluate Accounts by Category

Filter all the accounts in the bulk report by category type to focus performance audits on individual category performance.

Include Interval Performance

Check returns over monthly, quarterly, or annual intervals based on the calendar setting and date period of your choice. Combine intervals with category grouping to evaluate category returns over the desired interval.

Export to Integrate With Third Parties

Export performance data for use in third party platforms not yet supported directly in Tamarac.

Include Managed Assets, Unmanaged Assets, or Both

Evaluate returns only for assets under your management, include only unmanaged assets to show the impact of held-away assets on returns, or include both for a complete performance accounting.

Performance Data Extract Bulk Report Settings

The following settings are available for the Performance Data Extract bulk report. Click the setting name for more details:

Setting Details

Always compress report output

Select this option if you want to add this bulk report to a compressed ZIP file.

Format report output for Excel

Export a comma-delimited file or format specifically for Excel.

Report description

Enter descriptive text for the bulk report.

Interval definition

Set what interval the report uses for the date period.

Base quarterly and annual intervals on

Use calendar year end, fiscal year end, or the account setting to determine the year end used for each account.

Interval date period

Set the date period for the report.

For intervals greater than 1 year, show 

Report on annualized or cumulative returns.

Calculate data for

Include data for managed assets, unmanaged assets, or both.

Group by

Add a category type to display categories on the report.

Include: All Categories/Select Categories

Choose which categories to include in the report.
Include all remaining categories as Include or exclude categories not explicitly added.