
As of Date (Reports)


How As Of Date Works

In Dynamic Reports

In PDF Reports

In Views

Reports With This Setting

Related Settings


How As Of Date Works

Applies to:
✔ Dynamic PDF ✔ Client Portal

This setting lets you select the date you want to use for the report. Reports that use an as of date allow you to capture a moment-in-time snapshot of the data being reported.

There are times when you want to see details of what the account held on a specific day, or the unrealized gains/losses as of a specific point in time.

In Dynamic Reports

The dates listed are created by users in your firm. You can choose a date from the list or click <Create New> at the bottom of the list to add a new temporary date.

In PDF Reports

See As of Date on PDF Reports.

In Views

Views on the Accounts page and on the client portal Accounts page allow you to customize the data displayed on the page. When you add the Custom Account Value column to a view, configuring the As of date sets the date the value is shown for.

For more information, see:

Reports With This Setting

Holdings Reports

Related Settings

For more information on dates and date periods, see Dates and Date Periods.