
Workflow: Configure Mapping



Before You Start

Workflow Steps: Configure Mapping

Next Steps

Additional Resources



Mapping links a field in Tamarac Reporting with the same field in Salesforce. It allows you to use your existing customized Salesforce objects to view Tamarac data by telling the two systems where each piece of data belongs.

For more details on mapping between Salesforce and Tamarac, see Understanding Mapping in the Salesforce Integration.

This page provides links to the steps for the Step 3 in the overall onboarding workflow for firms that use the following Salesforce installations:

This workflow covers the following installation steps:

Before You Start

Complete the previous step, Configure Single Sign-On in the Tamarac App, in the onboarding workflow.

Workflow Steps: Configure Mapping


Configure Contact/Client Mapping >

Learn the steps to set up the mapping between Salesforce Contact records and Tamarac client records.

For a list of default Contact/client mappings, see Default Contact/Client Mapping.


Configure Account/Household Mapping >

Learn the steps to set up the mapping between Salesforce Contact records and Tamarac client records.

For a list of default Account/Household mappings, see Default Account/Household Mapping.


Configure Task/Event Mapping >

Learn the steps to enable Salesforce Tasks to automatically update for Tamarac events.

For a list of default Tamarac events logged as Tasks in Salesforce, see Default Task/Event Mapping.


Configure Financial Account/Account Mapping >

Learn the steps to map to the default fields in a standard Sales Cloud installation, map to a custom Financial Account object, or map to Financial Services Cloud objects.

For a list of available, required, and default Financial Account fields, see Default Financial Account/Account Mapping.

Next Steps

The next step in the onboarding workflow for Salesforce users who do not use Financial Services Cloud is Workflow: Add Tamarac Fields and Buttons to Salesforce Pages.

Additional Resources

For more information about Salesforce integration features, see About the Salesforce Integration.

For information about how to use the Salesforce integration, see Learn More About Using the Tamarac App.