
Maintaining Accounts: The Report Settings Panel



Next Sync Start Date

Fiscal Year End

Display Accrued Interest

Include Accrued Gains

Include Accrued Dividends

Use the Account Custodian as the Source of Record for Realized Gains/Losses

Ownership Type

Primary Owner

Net Worth Category

Edit in Bulk

Default Templates



The Report Settings panel allows you to determine account level reporting options, such as fiscal year end dates, default templates, and sync start dates.

This Help topic discusses only the fields on the Report Settings panel, available by clicking Settings/Templates under the Reporting tab when you edit an account. For more information on editing accounts, including how to navigate to this panel, visit Maintaining Accounts.

See below for descriptions of each of the settings on the page.

Next Sync Start Date

This setting allows you to select how far back the next sync goes for the account. You can change this date to any date you want. You can also select the Sync to inception check box to set the sync date to the account inception date.

This setting allows you to make changes to individual accounts or groups via sync while leaving the majority of your accounts to sync according your regular sync schedule. By leaving most of your accounts to sync on the standard schedule, you can keep sync times down while also updating individual accounts.

For example, if you notice a pricing error from a month ago in your portfolio accounting system for an account and you correct it in the portfolio accounting system, you want to ensure that the account syncs back to that correction. You can change the Next Sync Start Date to sync all the way back to the change.

This setting clears after the sync has occurred, so the account will not continue syncing back to that past date indefinitely.

Fiscal Year End

Select the month that the account's fiscal year ends. Leave the default of December if the account follows the calendar year.

You also have the option to Use fiscal year end for the Performance History report. Select this check box to use the fiscal year for the Performance History report. You will not see fiscal year mentioned on the report, but the quarterly and annual date periods will be adjusted to match the account's fiscal year.

For more information on using fiscal year ends in the Performance History report, see Base Date Periods On.

Display Accrued Interest

This setting applies to fixed income securities in accounts.

Select Display Accrued Interest to see the position and account values steadily increase day over day as interest accrues until the interest transaction is paid, at which point the value moves to cash. For more information, see Display Accrued Interest.

Include Accrued Gains

This setting applies to mutual funds in accounts.

Select Include Accrued Gains to calculate the value of the individual account to include gains accrued since the last interest payment. For more information, see Include Accrued Gains.

Include Accrued Dividends

This setting applies to equities in accounts.

Select Include Accrued Dividends if, when calculating the value of this account, you want to include dividends accrued since the last dividend payment. For more information, see Include Accrued Dividends.

Use the Account Custodian as the Source of Record for Realized Gains/Losses

In some rare cases, such as after a cost basis reset, the custodian may have more accurate cost basis than Tamarac Reporting. To accommodate these types of scenarios, Tamarac Reporting has an option to use the custodian as the source for cost basis in several reports.

Select this check box to use the custodian's cost basis data on the following reports:

This feature is available for accounts custodied at Schwab, Pershing, TD Ameritrade, BNY Mellon, and Raymond James for firms using Tamarac Services, and is only available for date periods after 2015. Reports run on data from before this time frame will not be fully populated.

If you are editing a partial ownership account, this field is disabled.

Ownership Type

Select ownership type to clarify what entity owns each specific account.

In the Net Worth report, you can sort accounts with ownership assigned by Ownership Type to show all accounts owned by specific individuals, their family jointly, or accounts associated with their Household but not owned directly.

Choose desired the Ownership Type applicable for the account. You can choose the following ownership types:

For more information about net worth, visit Net Worth Report. For more information about assets and liabilities, visit Assets and Liabilities.

Primary Owner

Primary ownership allows you to sort individually-owned accounts by a specific owner, so you can easily distinguish whose 401(k), IRA, or individual brokerage account is whose.

Choose the primary owner by typing the owner's first or last name in the Primary Owner box and clicking the desired client name. An advisor entering a Primary Owner will be able to select from among all the firm's clients. A client entering an asset through the client portal will select from among the Household's members only. If the Ownership Type is set to Individual, the Primary Owner box becomes mandatory.

In the Net Worth report, you can sort individual financial accounts, assets, and liabilities by primary owner. To sort by owner, set Column Display to Account Owners. For more information, see Column Display.

For more information about net worth, visit Net Worth Report. For more information about assets and liabilities, visit Assets and Liabilities.

Net Worth Category

You may have firm-specific categorizations for accounts, such as liquid, illiquid, retirement accounts, or 529 accounts that allow you to sort assets by unique categories. The Net Worth Category is an open field defined by your firm that allows you to view a household's assets sorted by your firm's categories.

Choose the desired category from the Net Worth Category list, or type in a new category and click Save. This new category will be added to the entire firm's Net Worth Category list. Categories not in use will automatically be removed from the list to ensure the list remains current.

The Net Worth report displays accounts grouped by category when you select Net Worth Category in the Group By/Then By list. For more information, see Group By/Then By.

For more information about net worth, visit Net Worth Report. For more information about assets and liabilities, visit Assets and Liabilities.

Edit in Bulk

To edit many accounts at once, use an Account Information bulk data export and bulk upload. You can add and edit the following columns:

Default Templates

Choose the default PDF templates for the account.

Default templates for accounts and groups allow you to assign specific PDF templates for specific situations. For example, you may need different default templates for tax returns, year-end reporting, and Q1, Q2, and Q3 reporting. Template Types allow you to specify default templates for each type of report you run. Once you set up your default templates for each template type, you can generate reports based on the template type.

For more information about the template types, visit Assign Default Templates Using PDF Template Types.

For more information on creating, editing, or deleting PDF templates, see Create, Edit, and Delete a PDF Template.