
Interval Performance Report



Why Use the Interval Performance Report?

See the Interval Performance Report in Action: Troubleshooting Puzzling Returns

See the Interval Performance Report in Action: Additional Return Analysis

Features of the Interval Performance Report

See a Quick Summary

See Detailed Interval Performance

Sort Columns on the Fly

Include Managed and Unmanaged Assets

Add Interval Performance to the Reporting Dashboard

Interval Performance Report Settings

Report Actions



Applies to:
✔ Dynamic PDF Mobile Client Portal

The Interval Performance report is useful for troubleshooting spikes and dips in performance. This report is intended for advisor use only.

To request the Interval Performance report, please contact your dedicated support team.

For more information on how Tamarac handles performance calculations, see Performance Calculations and Learn More About Calculations.

Why Use the Interval Performance Report?

In the Interval Performance report, daily returns are linked to calculate time-weighted return. It can be narrowed down to show only:

See the Interval Performance Report in Action: Troubleshooting Puzzling Returns

A client calls you and is curious about why the performance on his quarterly report doesn't match his expectations. You quickly generate an Interval Performance report for that client's group, setting the date period to the quarter in question. This allows you to see all the performance information in one place.

Armed with this information, you can then determine whether the gross return is closer to what the client was expecting, or perhaps the IRR is closer. You then remind the client about the potential impact on performance of management fees or the timing of flows, explaining the difference between the expected performance and the actual reported performance.

See the Interval Performance Report in Action: Additional Return Analysis

Advisor Kelly is used to diving into performance calculations using his own tools. Kelly seeks to deeply understand where performance numbers are coming from. In this case, the advisor generates an Interval Performance report for the desired categories and date range, and exports it to Excel. Kelly then uses his own Excel formulas to do his custom performance analysis.

Features of the Interval Performance Report

The dynamic report helps you easily filter and sort data to drill down to meaningful results. Interactive reporting features include the following.

See a Quick Summary

At the beginning of the report, performance details for the specified interval are displayed. This is the best place to see all performance data—for net and gross TWR and IRR, plus flows—all in one place.

See Detailed Interval Performance

Drill down into details of the specific performance behavior with the listing of all applicable data points. You can choose whether or not to see dates that have no flows.

Sort Columns on the Fly

Click the column header to change sort order. The caret direction indicates ascending or descending sorting.

Include Managed and Unmanaged Assets

Display managed, unmanaged, and total details side by side.

For more information about marking securities as unmanaged and how reports display unmanaged assets, see:

Add Interval Performance to the Reporting Dashboard

There is no Interval Performance dashboard widget available for the reporting dashboard.

Interval Performance Report Settings

The following settings are available for the Interval Performance report.

Setting Details Available In...
Dynamic Report
Report Name Designate a unique name for the view of the report view. X
Mark as Publicly Accessible Share the report view. X
Show Intervals For

Include managed, unmanaged, or both asset types.

Filter With Category Type Lists See performance intervals for one or more specific categories. X

Add Security

Designate which securities to include or exclude.

Securities added will be cleared if you choose to Show Intervals For one of the other list options and save the change.

Date Period Select the date period you want to use for the report. X
Net Return Threshold Display returns above or below a certain percent threshold. X
Include Days With No Flows Show all the days in the period, regardless of flows. X

Report Actions

To learn more about reports in Tamarac, see Introduction to Reports.

To learn more about how to generate a report, change the data displayed, print or export the report data, and more, see Basics of Working With Reports.

To learn more about creating and using PDF reports, see Understanding PDF Reports and Workflow: Generate a PDF Report.