
December 2017 - What's New in Tamarac Reporting



Save Confirmation No Longer Blocks Menu Bar

Expanded Select All Functionality

Refresh Tamarac Trading Data from Accounts Page

Account Notes Now Available in Tamarac Reporting



Target Allocation Added to Holdings Report


Add Ownership Accounts to Billing Groups

Bill Based on Average Month-End Value

Product Security

Learn More - Watch the Release Video



In our October 2017 release, we substantially improved the document vault with a complete overhaul of the vault's look, in addition to adding the ability to sort files into folders, download multiple files at once, track who's seen each file, and more. In this release, we are adding in a few key enhancements that will make managing your documents even easier.

> Drag and drop

Within the document vault, you can select multiple files, then drag and drop them directly into the desired folder.

> Preview

Preview adds a new level of security and convenience to document vault. You can simply click the file name to open a preview of the document right within the document vault—no downloading files required. From the preview pane, you can print, download, and more.

This is a compliance improvement that reduces the number of computers each file is saved on, since you no longer have to download the file before viewing it.

> Post From FTP

For times when you want to distribute many files to different clients—for example, when sharing custodial tax documents or sending clients updated Investment Policy Statements—Advisor View currently allows you to post files to many different clients' document vaults in bulk. 

We streamlined this feature, now available in the Documents menu under Post From FTP, into an intuitive three-step process that walks you through the process quickly, efficiently, and with confidence in file matching accuracy.

Previously, Advisor View used standardized file names to automatically match files in a secure, encrypted FTP folder with the appropriate accounts and then posted those files to the associated client portal document vault. With this release, instead of renaming your files to match Advisor View's requirements, you can customize file matching so that Advisor View matches based on your firm's naming conventions

Matching can be designated using the following options:

Before you can Post From FTP, you need to have Post From FTP enabled for your firm. Please contact the Account Management team at to have this feature enabled.

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> Other Document Vault Enhancements

Expanded Select All Functionality

When you have to take action on many records—whether accounts, clients, Households, securities, or documents—Select All makes your life easier. With this release, instead of selecting only one page at a time, directly clicking the Select All check box includes all the available records.

Additionally, you'll notice the following improvements:

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Save Confirmation No Longer Blocks Menu Bar

We work hard to enhance your productivity. That's why we moved the save confirmation bar to below the menu. Now you can complete one task and immediately jump into the next one without having to pause and wait for the save confirmation to clear.

You can always clear messages by clicking anywhere in the message bar.

Refresh Tamarac Trading Data from Accounts Page

For those of you with both Tamarac Reporting and Tamarac Trading, with this release you can experience substantial time savings by refreshing Tamarac Trading data for individual accounts without running a full sync.

When you make rebalancing-related changes to an account in Tamarac Reporting, you can select just that account and use Sync Trading Data in the Actions menu to manually sync just that account. This action replaces all previous trade data for the selected account.

You will find this useful, for example, when adding new accounts. If a new account comes in after the daily sync, you can set up the rebalancing-related settings and select Allow Rebalancing for the new account. You can then sync just that account to add it to Tamarac Trading without having to run another full sync or wait until the next day's sync.

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Account Notes Now Available in Tamarac Reporting

Managing your clients' portfolios can involve a lot of documentation. Your documentation needs might include:

In addition, you'd want that documentation to be viewable by multiple people and easily reportable for compliance reasons.

With this in mind, we've added a feature that may be familiar to Advisor Rebalancing users: account notes. Notes can be any kind of text documentation you want to add to accounts or groups. Notes are time and date stamped, can be categorized by Note Type, and include a record of which user added them.

> Where to Find Account Notes

You can view, add, and export notes in any accounts using the notes icon.

This account or group does not have notes.
This account or group has notes.

This icon can be found on the Account Settings panel for the account or group, and is also available in the optional Notes column on the Accounts page. Click on these icons to view notes or add notes to the account or group.

> Bulk Report

In addition to viewing account notes in individual accounts, you can also use the Account Notes bulk report to view account notes for all accounts and groups or for a selected number of accounts and groups. This allows you to see a historical record of the notes and note types within accounts and groups in a single report.

> Dashboard Report

Account notes can be used to document client meetings, special circumstances, and other considerations, so having a way to view new account notes across accounts can give you an at-a-glance view of what's going on in your clients' accounts. The new Account Notes dashboard report is an easy way to do just that. You can use this as a tool to view recent notes within clients' accounts.

The report allows you to set date period for which notes will appear, as well as limit the types of notes you want to see.

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Introducing RightCapital Integration

If you use both Tamarac and RightCapital, this integration allows you to view regularly updated Tamarac Reporting data within RightCapital. RightCapital users can download Tamarac-based holdings and account information on a daily basis so you can see the account information within RightCapital.

You must have a current API agreement on file with Tamarac in order to enable RightCapital integration. If you have not signed an API agreement, please contact Tamarac Account Management at

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With PDF templates, you have unparalleled ability to customize reports to finely control what clients see. The challenge of such unmatched customizability is that if you want to create similar but not identical reports, you sometimes have to create duplicate sections in many different PDF templates. If you've ever done this, you've probably wished you could just copy a section from one PDF template into another.

Now, you can duplicate sections across PDF report templates without having to maintain multiple identical sections in each report template. These nested templates allow you to add as many child templates to parent templates as you need.

With the ability to nest templates, maintaining and updating sections across multiple reports becomes a simple matter. When you make a change in the child template, it automatically propagates to all the parent templates it is assigned to.

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Target Allocation Added to Holdings Report

The Holdings report does a great job showing you what an account or group currently holds. Now it's just gotten even more useful. With this release, you can directly compare the target allocation weight with actual category weight, for side-by-side comparisons.

This new column, called Target Weight, is available in dynamic and PDF Holdings reports.

Expanded Composite Membership Reporting

Maintaining GIPS compliance can be complicated. Finding which accounts or groups are assigned to composites for GIPS verification is not, thanks to the Composite Membership saved search. This saved search allows you to efficiently locate accounts that are or are not currently assigned to composites.

You can also use the Account Composite Membership bulk report to export and evaluate a variety of composite statistics, including the composite start and end date, member accounts, a variety of return metrics, and more. For example, you could create a Composite Membership bulk report that allows you to audit your firm's entire history for accounts that have never been added to composites at any period.


Add Ownership Accounts to Billing Groups


With ownership accounts added to billing groups, it is easy to inadvertently double bill. Review ownership account and billing group behavior carefully when using this feature.

In the past, ownership accounts could not be added to billing groups. When some of you asked to be able to bill on ownership accounts, we heard you. With this release, ownership accounts now act exactly like standard financial accounts for billing purposes.

The following are among the billing actions available for ownership accounts:

For more information about ownership accounts, see Maintaining Accounts: The Ownership Panel. For more information about billing groups, see Billing Groups.

Bill Based on Average Month-End Value

As part of our commitment to providing the flexibility you need, you now have the option in each billing definition to bill based on average month-end values rather than daily values. This allows you to customize whether to use average daily balance or average monthly balance, depending on your billing needs.

You can edit this field in bulk using a Billing Definition Information upload. Include the Bill In column in the bulk upload data set and set it to Average Monthly Balance or Average Daily Balance as desired.

For more information about billing definitions, see Billing Definitions.

Product Security

Improved Session Timeout Security

As part of our effort to continually improve data security, when a session times out, the user is automatically logged out and redirected to the login page. This ensures that your data remains secure and protected even if a user walks away without logging out.

If you already have custom timeouts set, those will remain unchanged. To set a custom session timeout duration, contact your Tamarac Service Team.

Learn More - Watch the Release Video