
Performance Attribution Report



See the Performance Attribution Report in Action

How to Create the Performance Attribution Report

Performance Attribution Settings



Applies to:
Dynamic ✔ PDF Mobile Client Portal

The Performance Attribution report is only available on the PDF Dashboard section. This section allows you to see the top or bottom securities or security categories and see how those securities contribute to performance when you sort when you sort securities or security categories by return, contribution, and average weight. For example, you can show the top five contributing securities and use the Total row to see the combined contribution impact compared to the total portfolio.

The Performance Attribution report contains information available on the Position Performance report. The Position Performance report contains comprehensive information about the portfolio, but the Performance Attribution report lets you see more of a summary of top and bottom performers, allowing you to see how these securities contribute to overall performance and communicate this information to clients on a PDF.

See the Performance Attribution Report in Action

You are examining the performance of a client's portfolio and want to see how much the best and worst performing positions in that portfolio affect overall performance. You create a PDF template that includes a few versions of the Performance Attribution report to rank securities in both descending and ascending order: 

You examine the highest and lowest performing securities by return. This helps you answer important questions about your strategy: 

How to Create the Performance Attribution Report

The Performance Attribution report is only available as a PDF Dashboard section. To create this report, you'll take these high-level steps: 

  1. Create a new PDF template or edit an existing one. For more information, see Create, Edit, and Delete a PDF Template.

  2. Add the PDF Dashboard section to your template and configure the dashboard.

  3. Click the Settings button . This opens a window to edit the selected panel.

  4. In the Content type list, select Performance Attribution.

  5. Configure the settings. See Performance Attribution Settings for more information on individual settings.

  6. When finished, click Apply.

  7. Save the template.

Performance Attribution Settings

Here is more detailed information about the individual settings available in the Performance Attribution PDF Dashboard section: 

Setting More Information
Section Title Designate what the section will be called in the PDF report.
Date Period Select the date period you want to use for the report.
Unmanaged Asset Treatment Choose how you want to treat unmanaged assets on the report.
Category Filter Choose to include or exclude specific categories from the report.
Group By

Choose how you want to show the rows of the report, using the following guidelines: 

  • Choose None to show individual positions.
  • Choose a category such as Asset Class or Sector to show the report rows as the security category you've chosen.
Show Returns As Net or Gross IRR or TWR Determine how returns should appear on the report.
View Top (Number) Positions, Sorted By In the dashboard report, designate how positions are displayed.
Include Total Row

Select this option to show a row of totaled amounts. When cleared, you won't see a totals row.

Report SMAs as a Single Line Item Choose how you want to see SMAs in the report.
Report Security Groups as a Single Line Item Choose how you want to see security groups in the report.
Exclude All Securities Added to the Cash Settings Page Show or hide securities added to the Cash Settings page.
Available/Selected Columns

Choose which columns are included and in what order, including these: