
Clients/Client Portals Page Actions, Views, and Filters



Actions You Can Take on the Clients/Client Portals Page

Create, Edit, or Delete a Client

Generate a Bulk Report

Post Announcements

Post Documents

Reset Password/Send Activation

Select Client Records

Track and Manage Client Portal Status

Filter and Customize the Clients/Client Portals Page

Filter by Saved Search

Sort Columns

Change Column Width



The Clients page lists all the clients you've added to your firm. A client is a unique contact—represented by an email address—for an individual person. Clients are different from accounts, groups, and Households. The Clients/Client Portals page gives you access to create, edit, and delete clients, as well as manage clients' portal access, check the client portal status, and more.

We recommend creating a client entity for each of your clients even if you don't plan on enabling client portal access. This will make it easier to take advantage of features we have planned for the future.

The following are some important rules about clients:

Actions You Can Take on the Clients/Client Portals Page

The Actions menu lets you take action on client records on the Clients page. Once you've selected one or more clients, you can complete the following tasks using the Actions menu: 

Create, Edit, or Delete a Client

Create, edit, or delete a client record, add it to Households, and manage client portal access for the client. For more information, see Create, Edit, and Delete a Client.

Generate a Bulk Report

Export bulk report data on selected accounts or groups using an existing bulk report. For more information, see Run a Bulk Report to Export Data in Bulk.

Post Announcements

Post announcements to clients on the client portal. For more information, see Client Portal Announcements.

Post Documents

Share documents on the client portal document vault. For more information, see Post Documents, Reports, and Other Files to Client Portals

Reset Password/Send Activation

Reset a password or send an activation email. For more information, see Reset a Client Portal Password.

Select Client Records

You can select all the records by clicking the check box in the column heading. For more selection-related actions, including selecting a single page, clearing all selections, and viewing only the selections, click ˅.

To learn more about the Select All check box functionality, see The Select All Check Box.

Track and Manage Client Portal Status

You manage client portal activity on the Clients/Client Portals page as well as client records. Columns on the page tell you the client portal status, a preview of the portal exactly as the client sees it, outstanding actions in the client record, and the status of client portal password authentication links.

For more information, see:

Filter and Customize the Clients/Client Portals Page

You can filter and adjust the Client/Client Portals page in the following ways:

Filter by Saved Search

Filter the Clients page by client saved searches.

For more information, see:

Sort Columns

Sort data in columns by ascending or descending order. For more information, see Sort and Filter Columns on Pages in Tamarac.

Change Column Width

Manually or automatically resize columns to fit data. For more information, see Change Column Width on Pages in Tamarac.