
Client Views Settings



Client Views Tab

Reports/Pages Tab

Page Settings

Report Settings

Dashboard Tiles Tab



A client view allows you to customize a client portal view. You can select the reports and program areas that your clients will be able to access—they won't be able to access any information other than that which you provide to them. You can customize access to not only the specific reports you share with them, but also the granular display of those reports such as the specific columns of data you expose and any indexes of comparison.

You create fully customizable client portals on the Client Views page. The Client Views page includes three separate tabs where you configure different parts of the client portal:

Completing this information allows you to create or edit all aspects of the client portal, from the visual design to exactly which data points clients see on the dashboard. For example, you might want to create a simpler portal that's geared for some clients, and a highly detailed portal for other clients.

For more information about client views, see Create a Client View.

Client Views Tab

The following settings are available under the Client Views tab.

page setup options

Client View Options

You may see a variety of settings in this section depending on what integrations you have enabled. These settings allow you to configure specific permissions for clients around those integrations. For example, you may see a check box called Allow clients to link to Junxure if your firm has Junxure enabled. Regardless of integrations, all users will see the following setting:

Select Pages and Reports

Reports/Pages Tab

The following settings are available under the Reports/Pages tab.

Page Settings

Account Page Settings

Assets/Liabilities Page Settings


Dashboard Page Settings

Options for Tamarac Client View dashboard tile settings:

Document Vault Page Settings

Service Team Page Settings

Report Settings

All Report settings

Most settings on client view reports are the same as the dynamic report you use in Tamarac Reporting. For information on those settings, see the applicable report page.

The following are the only settings that are unique for client view reports.


Dashboard Tiles Tab

The following settings are available under the Dashboard Tiles tab.

page setup options


Chart Tile Settings


Household Custom Field Tile Settings


Report Data Tile Settings